Overactive Bladder Education

Conditions:Overactive Bladder, Urology
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology, Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:18 - 89
Start Date:July 2015
End Date:December 2015

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Overactive bladder (OAB) is a common, chronic condition, characterized by urinary "urgency,
with or without urge incontinence, usually with frequency and nocturia." Treatment adherence
is a major barrier to management of OAB and drug continuation is poor. Many factors may play
a role in non-adherence to medication management of OAB including drug cost, side effects,
and a lack of understanding of the disease and treatment process.Studies show that recall of
disease information and treatment is often suboptimal. Literature shows that providing
written materials is an efficacious way to aid in recall. Based on known poor adherence to
OAB medication treatment and the clear role patient education methods have on patient
information recall, the investigators believe that improvement of participant education
through use of a OAB care plan will improve participant understanding and treatment

Through this randomized trial, the investigators plan to evaluate whether implementation of
a OAB Care Plan improves understanding of disease and treatment options, treatment success,
and satisfaction.

This is a prospective, randomized, controlled study of OAB counseling in new patients
presenting to the Urogynecology offices of Hartford Hospital. All new patients with a
diagnosis of OAB will be offered participation. All consenting participants will be
randomized 1:1 to one of two groups: 1) Standard Care group or 2) Care Plan group. In the
Standard Care group, participants will be counseled as the physician routinely counsels
patients about OAB, in the Care Plan group, participants will be counseled a printed
"Overactive Bladder Plan of Care" information sheet. At the end of the visit, the
participant will complete a Baseline Survey. The Baseline Survey includes basic demographic
information, a physician satisfaction survey, and a OAB knowledge survey. The participant
will return for follow up as directed by the physician.

At the follow up visit, participants in both groups will complete a Followup Survey. The
Followup Survey will be completed before the participant sees the physician. The Followup
Survey assesses OAB knowledge.

Eight months after the baseline visit, each participant's chart will be reviewed for final
data collection. If a participant progresses to a treatment method where she is satisfied
and would like to remain, this will be documented.

Inclusion Criteria:

- diagnosis of overactive bladder

- able and willing to participate and consent

- age >17 years, <90 years

- female sex

Exclusion Criteria:

- male sex

- patients who do not have a diagnosis of overactive bladder

- age <18 years, >89 years

- unable or unwilling to participate

- patients who are already being treated for overactive bladder

- patients who are planning surgical intervention for pelvic organ prolapse prior to
treatment of overactive bladder

- patients who are planning surgical intervention for stress urinary incontinence prior
to treatment of overactive bladder

- pregnancy
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