Fc factOrs and Real-World hemophiliA Patient-ReporteD Outcomes

Conditions:Anemia, Hematology
Therapuetic Areas:Hematology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:July 2015
End Date:December 2015

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A Global, Multicenter, Observational Study Evaluating the Impact of rFVIIIFc and rFIXFc on Patient-reported Treatment Burden and Health Economic Outcomes

The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic treatment
with recombinant Factor VIII Fc fusion protein (rFVIIIFc) and recombinant Factor IX Fc fusion
protein (rFIXFc) therapy as assessed by patient treatment burden and health economic outcomes
while maintaining disease control in males with hemophilia A or B.

Key Inclusion Criteria:

- Have a medically documented diagnosis of hemophilia A or B that is being treated
prophylactically with a factor replacement product not designed to have a prolonged
half-life and satisfy a therapeutic indication for rFVIIIFc/rFIXFc per the approved
local label

- Have at least 50 prior exposure days (EDs) to any combination of factor replacement

- Have documented pre-study data available that confirm fulfillment of the eligibility

- Have no measurable inhibitor activity in a sample obtained within 4 weeks prior to the
Baseline visit, and absence of clinical signs or symptoms of decreased response to the
current factor replacement product

Key Exclusion Criteria:

- Have a diagnosis of any bleeding disorder other than hemophilia A or hemophilia B or
an additional coagulation disorder(s) in addition to hemophilia A or hemophilia B

- Have a prior history of anaphylaxis associated with any factor VIII (FVIII)/ factor IX
(FIX) or intravenous immunoglobin administration

- Had an inhibitor within 5 years before the Baseline visit. Note: A family history of
inhibitors will not exclude the patient.

- Past or current treatment with any factor replacement product with a prolonged
half-life, including an Fc product, for the treatment of hemophilia

NOTE: Other Protocol Defined Inclusion/ Exclusion Criteria May Apply.
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