Comparison of CLE in Vivo Diagnosis and ex Vivo Examination Against Surgical Histopathology of CPL

Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2015
End Date:December 2018
Contact:Casey McClurkin, BS, CCRC

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Comparison of Confocal Laser Endomicroscopic IN Vivo Diagnosis and EX Vivo Examination (INDEX Study) Against Surgical Histopathology of Cystic Pancreatic Lesions

Comparison of confocal laser endomicroscopic in vivo diagnosis and ex vivo examination
against surgical histopathology of cystic pancreatic lesions.

The primary objective of the study is to assess the ability of nCLE (AQ-Flex) to accurately
diagnose the type of CPL by comparing in vivo and ex vivo CLE patterns to final
histopathology of surgically resected CPLs. The primary endpoints are whether or not the CLE
diagnosis correlates with final diagnosis (yes vs. no).

Inclusion Criteria:

For in vivo nCLE (needle-based confocal laser endomicroscopy) (Part 1):

- Patient age 18 years and older

- All patients referred for EUS-FNA (endoscopic ultrasound - fine needle aspiration) of
accessible CPL (cystic pancreatic lesion)

- The minimum size of the cyst should be ≥ 1.5 cm as determined by prior cross-sectional
imaging studies.

For ex vivo pCLE (probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy) (Part 2):

- All patients must satisfy inclusive criteria for in vivo nCLE.

- All patients should have completed EUS-guided nCLE.

- All patients should have a CPL lesion referred for surgical removal based on
recommended international consensus guidelines1 and inter-departmental consensus
pancreatic tumor board meeting (departments of surgical oncology, radiology, pathology
and gastroenterology).

- Patient participated and completed in vivo nCLE (Part 1)

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unable to obtain informed consent

- Unable to tolerate the procedure

- Women with known pregnancy at time of procedure

- Patient age less than 18 years

- Bleeding diathesis

- Lesion not accessible by EUS guided FNA

- Allergy to fluorescein.
We found this trial at
Columbus, Ohio 43210
Principal Investigator: Somashekar Krishna, MD, MPH
Phone: 614-688-9575
Columbus, OH
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