Supportive Care Questionnaires in Gathering Data on Unmet Needs and Health-Related Quality of Life in Latina Breast Cancer Survivors After Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation Therapy

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 10, 2015
End Date:August 10, 2020

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Supportive Care Needs of Breast Cancer Survivors: A Needs Assessment

This phase I/II research trial studies supportive care questionnaires in gathering data on
unmet needs and health-related quality of life in Latina breast cancer survivors after
surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Questionnaires that address unmet supportive
care needs and health-related quality of life of breast cancer survivors may help doctors
learn about barriers to cancer care that are linked to language, acculturation, knowledge
about diagnosis and care, and financial concerns. Learning about unmet needs of breast cancer
patients may help increase quality of life and decrease healthcare utilization and costs.


I. To assess the supportive care needs and preferences of breast cancer survivors at Los
Angeles County + University of Southern California (USC) Medical Center (LAC+USC).


I. To determine the lifestyle-related challenges of individuals with breast cancer being
treated at LAC+USC.

II. To determine the communication and healthcare delivery style needs and preferences of
individuals with breast cancer being treated at LAC+USC.


Participants complete the demographic questionnaire, Supportive Care Needs Survey (SCNS)-34,
36-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), and the Lifestyle Needs Survey. Within 1 year of
completing questionnaires, some participants may complete a one-hour in-person one-on-one
interview comprising questions about the challenges and experiences of cancer survivorship,
their health and well-being, and supportive care needs.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients receiving ongoing care, including routine follow-up, at LAC+USC

- Diagnosis of breast cancer

- Completed primary surgical treatment, chemotherapy, and/or radiation

- Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Inability to sign written informed consent or to complete questionnaires/surveys

- Diagnosis of metastatic cancer
We found this trial at
1441 Eastlake Ave
Los Angeles, California 90033
(323) 865-3000
Principal Investigator: Alexandra Sleight
Phone: 860-543-5586
U.S.C./Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center The USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, located in Los Angeles, is...
Los Angeles, CA
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