Cannabidiol Oral Solution for Treatment of Refractory Infantile Spasms

Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any
Start Date:January 27, 2016
End Date:September 6, 2016

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A Phase 2 Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Oral Solution for the Treatment of Refractory Infantile Spasms

Infantile Spasms (IS) is a diagnosis described as a fairly rare and terrible form of epilepsy
that usually strikes children in the first year of life. There is a great need for safe and
effective therapies in the treatment of IS. This need is even more important for infants and
toddlers still sick after being treated with medicine that is already available.

This is a multi-center study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Cannabidiol Oral Solution
(CBD) in the treatment of children aged 6 months through 36 months with a diagnosis of
infantile spasms who have not responded to first line therapies.

The overall study duration is expected to be 64 weeks for those subjects who respond to CBD
treatment. The maximum possible study duration for each patient is approximately 64 weeks,
however a subject will be deemed to have completed the study after 58 weeks.

A protocol amendment in May 2016 created two parts to this trial: Part A (the extended
treatment period) and Part B (the safety treatment period), whose objectives are as follows:

Primary Part A: To evaluate the efficacy of Cannabidiol Oral Solution in treating refractory
infantile spasms (IS).


Part A:

- To evaluate the safety of Cannabidiol Oral Solution in treating refractory infantile

Part B:

- To assess the long-term safety of Cannabidiol Oral Solution as an adjunctive treatment
for subjects with Infantile Spasms (IS)

- To establish the continued efficacy of Cannabidiol Oral Solution in maintaining seizure
control in subjects with IS

- To assess the global status of subjects taking Cannabidiol Oral Solution for an extended
period of time determined by various qualitative assessments

- To monitor for changes in plasma levels of Cannabidiol Oral Solution during long-term
treatment of subjects with IS

Inclusion Criteria:

- Meets protocol-specified criteria for qualification, including infantile spasms

- Parent(s)/caregiver(s) fully comprehend and sign the informed consent form, understand
all study procedures, and can communicate satisfactorily with the Investigator and
study coordinator.

Exclusion Criteria:

- History or current use of over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements, or drugs
outside protocol-specified parameters

- Signs, symptoms or history of any condition that, per protocol or in the opinion of
the investigator, might compromise:

1. the safety or well-being of the participant or study staff

2. the analysis of results

- During the Safety Treatment and Follow-up Periods, subjects are not to receive the

1. any cannabinoids (CBD, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), hemp oil, Realm Oil or

2. any other investigational drug or investigational device
We found this trial at
3100 SW 62nd Ave
Miami, Florida 33155
(305) 666-6511
Miami Children's Hospital Welcome to Miami Children
Miami, FL
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Los Angeles, California 90095
Principal Investigator: Raman Sankar, MD, PhD
Phone: 310-206-4037
Los Angeles, CA
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Royal Oak, Michigan 48073
Royal Oak, MI
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San Francisco, California 94143
San Francisco, CA
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