Feasibility of a Decision Support System to Reduce Glucose Variability in Subject With T1DM
Status: | Completed |
Conditions: | Diabetes, Diabetes |
Therapuetic Areas: | Endocrinology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 21 - 65 |
Updated: | 5/3/2017 |
Start Date: | September 2015 |
End Date: | February 2017 |
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the safety and feasibility of a decision support
system aimed at reducing glucose variability in T1DM patient using an insulin pump.
system aimed at reducing glucose variability in T1DM patient using an insulin pump.
The overall aim of this proposed research is to demonstrate the safety and feasibility of a
decision support system aimed at reducing glucose variability in T1DM patient using an
insulin pump. The system will be deployed on our portable medical application platform
(DiAs) and will include insulin pump treatment parameters optimization and an exercise risk
warning system, capable of predicting hypoglycemia at the onset of physical activity and
advising on mitigating alteration of treatment.
A second phase of the trial will enroll additional users of insulin pumps, and subjects who
treat their T1DM with the use of multiple daily injections (MDI) of insulin. MDI users
should be administering the Lantus (glargine) dose at approximately the same time each day
and use only one basal rate per day. MDI users will also use MySugr app to count
carbohydrates for all meals that require insulin treatment.
decision support system aimed at reducing glucose variability in T1DM patient using an
insulin pump. The system will be deployed on our portable medical application platform
(DiAs) and will include insulin pump treatment parameters optimization and an exercise risk
warning system, capable of predicting hypoglycemia at the onset of physical activity and
advising on mitigating alteration of treatment.
A second phase of the trial will enroll additional users of insulin pumps, and subjects who
treat their T1DM with the use of multiple daily injections (MDI) of insulin. MDI users
should be administering the Lantus (glargine) dose at approximately the same time each day
and use only one basal rate per day. MDI users will also use MySugr app to count
carbohydrates for all meals that require insulin treatment.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Clinical diagnosis based on investigator assessment, of type 1 diabetes for at least
one year and either using insulin pump therapy for at least 6 months or MDI therapy
(consisting of a of Lantus [glargine], Tresiba [degludec], or Levemir [Detemir] plus
rapid-acting meal insulin) for at least 6 months; 1-2 basal insulin injections per
day, consistent in timing and amount.
A. Historical criteria for documented hyperglycemia (at least 1 must be met):
i. Fasting glucose ≥126 mg/dL. ii. Two-hour OGTT glucose ≥200 mg/dL. iii. Hemoglobin
A1c ≥6.5% documented. iv. Random glucose ≥200 mg/dL with symptoms. v. No data at
diagnosis is available but the participant has a convincing history of hyperglycemia
consistent with diabetes.
B. Historical criteria for requiring insulin at diagnosis (1 must be met):
i. Participant required insulin at diagnosis and continually thereafter. ii.
Participant did not start insulin at diagnosis but upon investigator review likely
needed insulin (significant hyperglycemia that did not respond to oral agents) and
did require insulin eventually and used continually.
iii. Participant did not start insulin at diagnosis but continued to be
hyperglycemic, had positive islet cell antibodies - consistent with latent autoimmune
diabetes in adults (LADA) and did require insulin eventually and used continually.
2. Age 21- 65years old.
3. Females, not currently known to be pregnant. If female and sexually active, must
agree to use a form of contraception to prevent pregnancy while participating in the
study. A negative urine/blood pregnancy test will be required for all premenopausal
women who are not surgically sterile. Subjects who become pregnant will be
discontinued from the study.
4. Demonstration of proper mental status and cognition for the study
5. MDI subjects should be administering the Lantus (glargine), Tresiba [degludec], or
Levemir [Detemir] dose at approximately the same time each day.
6. CSII subjects must currently be using the bolus calculator function of the current
insulin pump with pre-defined parameters for glucose goal, carbohydrate ratio, and
insulin sensitivity factor.
7. MDI users must currently be using Intensive Insulin Therapy including carbohydrate
counting and use of pre-defined parameters for glucose goal, carbohydrate ratio, and
insulin sensitivity factor.
8. Willing to use Humalog (lispro) or Novolog (aspart) insulin during the study
procedures for MDI subjects.
9. CSII subjects must be willing to use the current bolus calculator pump parameters and
enter all carbohydrate intake into the pump during the 28 day data collection period.
10. MDI users must be willing to use their carbohydrate counting parameters for all meal
dosing and enter the information into the MySugr app.
11. Ability to access the Internet to provide data to the clinical team or to travel to
the research center so that the study equipment and personal pump can be downloaded.
12. An understanding of and willingness to follow the protocol and sign the informed
Exclusion Criteria: The presence of any of the following is an exclusion for the study:
1. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in the 6 months prior to enrollment.
2. Severe hypoglycemia resulting in seizure or loss of consciousness in the 6 months
prior to enrollment.
3. Current treatment of a seizure disorder.
4. Coronary artery disease or heart failure, unless written clearance is received from a
5. Atrial or ventricular arrhythmias (benign premature atrial contractions [PACs] and
premature ventricular contractions [PVCs] allowed)
6. Cystic fibrosis.
7. Pregnancy, breast-feeding, or intention of becoming pregnant over time of study
8. A known medical condition that in the judgment of the investigator might interfere
with the completion of the protocol such as the following examples:
i. Inpatient psychiatric treatment in the past 6 months ii. Presence of a known
adrenal disorder iii. Abnormal liver function test results (Transaminase >2 times the
upper limit of normal); testing required for subjects taking medications known to
affect liver function or with diseases known to affect liver function iv. Abnormal
renal function test results (calculated GFR <60 mL/min/1.73m2); testing required for
subjects with diabetes duration of greater than 5 years post onset of puberty v.
Active gastroparesis vi. If on antihypertensive, thyroid, anti-depressant or lipid
lowering medication, lack of stability on the medication for the past 2 months prior
to enrollment in the study vii. Uncontrolled thyroid disease (TSH undetectable or >10
mlU/L); testing required within three months prior to admission for subjects with a
goiter, positive antibodies, or who are on thyroid hormone replacement, and within
one year otherwise viii. Abuse of alcohol or recreational drugs ix. Infectious
process not anticipated to be resolved prior to study procedures (e.g. meningitis,
pneumonia, osteomyelitis, deep tissue infection).
x. Uncontrolled arterial hypertension (Resting diastolic blood pressure >100 mmHg
and/or systolic blood pressure >180 mmHg).
xi. Oral steroids xii. Uncontrolled microvascular complications such as current
active proliferative diabetic retinopathy defined as proliferative retinopathy
requiring treatment (e.g. laser therapy) in the past 12 months.
9. A recent injury to body or limb, muscular disorder, use of any medication, any
carcinogenic disease, or other significant medical disorder if that injury,
medication or disease in the judgment of the investigator will affect the completion
of the protocol.
10. Basal Rates <0.01 units/hour for CSII subjects.
11. More than one basal dose per day for MDI subjects
12. Allergy for or intolerance of both Novolog (aspart) and Humalog (lispro) insulin for
MDI subjects.
13. Diagnosed food allergies.
14. Current use of the following drugs and supplements:
i. Regular acetaminophen user, or not willing to suspend acetaminophen 24 hours
before and during the entire length of the trial ii. Any other medication that the
investigator believes is a contraindication to the subject's participation
15. Any reason for which the study MD considers the subject not properly fitted for the
trial (i.e. insulin pump that does not record what is needed for the trial).
16. Current enrollment in another clinical trial.
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