Attitudes, Beliefs, and Preferences of Older Stage I-III Breast Cancer Survivors Towards Physical Activity

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:65 - Any
Start Date:October 14, 2015
End Date:December 2019

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Attitudes, Beliefs and Preferences of Older Breast Cancer Survivors Towards Physical Activity

This clinical trial studies the attitudes, beliefs, and preferences of older stage I-III
breast cancer survivors towards physical activity. Studies have shown that older
African-American and women of lower socioeconomic status are more likely than their Caucasian
counterparts and women of higher socioeconomic status to have functional disability at the
time of a new breast cancer diagnosis. Functional disability is the inability to
independently complete activities of daily living and increases health care costs and deaths.
The poor health status of older African-Americans with breast cancer has been suggested to
diminish the long-term benefits from cancer treatment, resulting in older African-American
women more likely to die from breast cancer compared to Caucasians. Questionnaires that
measure the attitudes, beliefs, and preferences of older breast cancer survivors may lead to
the development of an intervention that increases physical activity, improves functional and
health status, and improves breast cancer treatment benefits translating to improved survival
among older breast cancer survivors in general, and in particular among older
African-American and lower socioeconomic status women with breast cancer.


I. To assess physical activity beliefs, attitudes and preferences (KAPs) of breast cancer
(BCa) survivors to inform the development of a physical activity (PA) intervention that will
foster initial enrollment and sustained participation, particularly for African American (AA)
and socioeconomic status (SES)-disadvantaged BCa survivors.


INTERVIEWS AND GROUP DISCUSSION: Participants undergo a 2-hour one-on-one interview about
their KAPs towards PA. Ten topics will be used to explore older women's attitudes toward PA:
(a) terminology used to describe PA; (b) meaning of PA to older women; (c) usual PA during
daily life; (d) perceived influences and benefits of PA on body and mind; (e) recent changes
in PA and their influences on women's daily life; (f) facilitators and barriers to older
women's participation in PA; (g) preferences for PA in general and specific types of PA; (h)
age-related differences in attitudes toward PA; (i) ethnic differences in attitudes toward
PA; (i) SES-related differences in attitudes toward PA; and (j) overall feeling about PA. Six
topics will also be used to explore ethnic-specific and culture-specific contexts that
surround older women's participation in PA: (a) older women's daily life schedules, and
hardships and sufferings in daily lives; (b) culturally unique aspects of women's daily
lives; (c) age-related difficulties and advantages in daily lives influencing older women's
participation in PA; (d) ethnicity-related, cultural-related and SES-related difficulties and
advantages in daily lives influencing women's participation in PA; (f) culturally available
support for PA and women's preferences for support; and (g) older women's preferences for PA
promotion programs.

REFINEMENT OF THE PA INTERVENTION: Approximately 1-2 months after the conclusion of
interviews, participants are invited to a joint session and presented with results of
analyzed data. Participants are asked to review results and themes identified from
interviews, and to concur whether conclusions capture their KAPs. Through this process a set
of preferences that is agreed upon by all as most critical for enhancing PA participation,
adherence, and retention will be identified.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Pathologically confirmed breast cancer

- Stage I-III

- Patients who have completed treatment for breast cancer and are within two years of
treatment completion (primary surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy), whichever
was received last; hormonal therapy and targeted therapies in the adjuvant setting are

- African-Americans and non-Hispanic Whites

Exclusion Criteria:

- Stage IV breast cancer

- Patients with end-stage disease, severe dementia and/or life expectancy of less than
one year

- Inability to understand English

- Inability to provide informed consent
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