Behavioral Economic Incentives to Improve Glycemic Control Among Adolescents and Young Adults

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:14 - 20
Start Date:January 2016
End Date:November 2016

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In this study the investigators will compare a novel approach using daily financial
incentives and a tiered sponsor network to motivate adolescents and young adults with type 1
diabetes to improve glycemic control.

Participants will be given daily glucose monitoring goals of ≥4 glucose checks per day with
≥1 readings within goal range (70-180 mg/dL) and provided with iHealth wireless glucometers.
Half of the study participants will be randomized to the 3-month intervention arm on Way to
Health. The intervention includes daily financial incentives ($60 in an account at beginning
of each month with $2 daily loss if non-adherent) and a 2-level tiered sponsor network
(youth select 2 people who will be notified of non-adherence after 2 and 5 consecutive
days). The primary outcome will be HbA1c at 3 months compared to baseline. Secondary
outcomes will include HbA1c at 6 months and the proportion of participants adherent to daily
glucose monitoring goals. Exit interviews will elicit intervention feasibility and feedback
from a youth perspective.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes

- HbA1c of 8 or greater

- Receiving care from the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia Diabetes Center

- English-speaking

- Owns a smartphone

Exclusion Criteria:

- New diagnosis of type 1 diabetes within past year

- Unable to provide informed consent

- Already participating in another study to improve glycemic control

- Any medical conditions that would prevent completion of the study
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