Clinical Utility Study of a Low-Cost Hand-Held Breast Scanner

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 2014
End Date:May 2019

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The primary purpose of this study is to measure the clinical utility (accuracy) of the
hand-held breast scanner (iBE) for the detection of breast lesions or lumps. The iBE results
will be compared to the results of a current mammogram and/or ultrasound. The duration of
study participation is approximately 30 minutes one day.

The FDA approved class II device in this clinical trial is a low-cost hand-held breast
scanner (intelligent Breast Exam, iBE). This device is to be used a pre-screening tool for
mammograms or ultrasounds. Determination of the accuracy of iBE for the detection of
clinically relevant breast lesions will be performed by means of a prospective study.

The iBE evaluation will be performed by a trained licensed practical nurse or ultrasound
technologist who is blinded to the outcome of the radiology studies at the time the iBE is
performed. The iBE training will be done by the leading iBE user in the United States. The
iBE evaluation will be done prior to the patient's original scheduled imaging visit. After
the completion of the imaging visit the radiologist will evaluate the mammogram and/or
ultrasound images along with the iBE report.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 18 years of age and older

- Women and men with symptomatic breast lump (either by palpation or imaging) OR

- Asymptomatic women presenting to the imaging center for a screening mammogram

- Signed Informed Consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients under 18 years of age

- Patients who previously participated in this study and are returning to the Women's
Imaging Center for follow-up diagnostic tests
We found this trial at
800 Spruce St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Principal Investigator: Ari D Brooks, MD
Pennsylvania Hospital Pennsylvania Hospital, the nation's first hospital, has been a leader in patient care,...
Philadelphia, PA
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