Pilot Treatment as Prevention for HCV Among Persons Who Actively Inject Drugs

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:December 2015
End Date:May 2018

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This project is a randomized trial of two strategies to treat persons with genotype 1 HCV who
currently inject drugs (PWIDs) with a once daily regime of ledipasvir-sofosbuvir (LDV-SOF)
for 8 weeks. The study will enroll 30 participants and will assess the feasibility and
acceptability of treating active PWIDs for HCV with LDV-SOF by modified directly observed
therapy (mDOT) versus unobserved dosing, with motivational interviewing based adherence
support; and assess through in-depth, semi-structured qualitative interviews, the challenges
with time intensity required for mDOT and unobserved dosing interventions, and identify key
factors affecting treatment adherence.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. ≥18 years of age;

2. 2 consecutive positive HCV RNA tests at least 6 months after estimated date of

3. HCV genotype 1;

4. HCV RNA <6 million copies by Roche TaqMan Assay

5. No evidence of hepatic cirrhosis (as determined by two indices: Fib4<3.25—an accurate
test for detecting cirrhosis based on age, AST, ALT and platelets
[sensitivity/specificity 76-100/82-91%], confirmed by the fibrosis-cirrhosis index
(FCI)<1.25 based on ALT, bilirubin, albumin and platelets [sensitivity/specificity

6. Drug injection in past 30 days by self-report and physical exam evidence of injection
drug use (e.g. track marks),

7. injected with others in past 12 months by self-report;

8. Lab values within acceptable range (platelets>50,000, creatinine clearance by
Cockroft-Gault>30mL/min, hemoglobin >10g/dL, INR<1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN)
unless stable on anticoagulant regimen or known hemophilia, AST/ALT<10 x ULN);

9. Able to speak English;

10. No plans to leave San Francisco area for at least 9 months and either lives or works
in San Francisco, or travels to San Francisco at least weekly;

11. for women of childbearing age, pregnancy test negative, not actively nursing, and
agree to use birth control during treatment (although LDV-SOF has a "B" rating,
consistent with no known evidence of harm, treatment is not urgent for these patients
so we will err on the side of caution).

Exclusion Criteria:

1. HIV+ by rapid test or pooled viral load;

2. HBV surface antigen +;

3. Non-definitive HCV genotype results;

4. Previously received treatment for HCV (interferon, ribavirin, or DAA);

5. Taking medications that affect pharmacokinetics of LDV-SOF (proton-pump inhibitors,
anticonvulsants [phenobarbital, phenytoin, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine], rifamycins,
rosuvastatin, herbs [St. John's wort, silymarin, echinacea]);

6. History of any of the following:

1. Current gastrointestinal disorder or post-operative condition that could
interfere with the absorption of the study drug

2. History of hepatic decompensation (i.e., ascites, encephalopathy or variceal

3. History of solid organ or bone marrow transplantation.

4. Current treatment for cancer

7. Chronic liver disease for non HCV reason, except iron overload (e.g., Wilson's
disease, alfa 1 antitrypsin deficiency, cholangitis);

8. Use of any prohibited concomitant medications as described in Section 5.2 within 21
days of the Day 1 visit; and

9. Known hypersensitivity to LDV, SOF, the metabolites, or formulation excipients.

10. No other conditions that preclude study involvement as determined by PI.
We found this trial at
San Francisco, California 94102
Principal Investigator: Phillip Coffin, MD, MIA
Phone: 415-437-6204
San Francisco, CA
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