Multi-Component Early Intervention for Socially Inhibited Preschool Children

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Anxiety, Anxiety
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:December 2014
End Date:October 2019

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This project is intended to provide a rigorous test of the Turtle Program, an early
intervention program for behaviorally inhibited preschoolers. The proposed project will
extend promising pilot study findings by: (a) evaluating the integrated intervention in a
larger sample (n = 150) of 45-64 month children and their parents, which will allow for an
examination of mediators and moderators of treatment effects; (b) comparing the Turtle
Program to the best available treatment for preschool behavioral inhibition, the Cool Little
Kids (CLK) parent psychoeducation group; (c) examining heart rate reactivity and regulation
as both baseline moderators of treatment response and as outcome measures; (d) examining
parent anxiety disorders as a moderator of treatment response; (e) including a mid-treatment
assessment and extending follow-up to one year.

Inclusion Criteria:

- child must be attending preschool; child must score within top 15% on parent-rated
Behavioral Inhibition Questionnaire

Exclusion Criteria:

- child has a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder, selective mutism, or mental
retardation; child scores above clinical cutoff on Social Communication Questionnaire;
child is currently receiving treatment for anxiety; child does not have a custodial
parent who has also consented to participate
We found this trial at
College Park, Maryland 20742
Phone: 301-405-4606
College Park, MD
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