Effectiveness of Acupuncture in Post-Mastectomy Patients With Tissue Expanders

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 79
Start Date:July 2013

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The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate changes in shoulder tightness, chest
tightness, and general pain related to post-mastectomy reconstructive surgery with tissue
expansion in women who are randomized to receive acupuncture treatment immediately after
surgery (twice a week for 6 weeks) compared to those who are randomized to no acupuncture
treatment for 6 weeks, but offered acupuncture at the end of the 6 week study period.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Women who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer, enrolled in the The Breast Cancer
Database of NYU Cancer Center (BCD) and who are having breast cancer surgery
involving a mastectomy procedure with insertion of a tissue expander for
reconstructive purposes

- Women who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer

- Women who are enrolled in the Breast Cancer Database (BCD)

- Women who are having breast cancer surgery involving a mastectomy procedure with
insertion of a tissue expander for reconstructive purposes

Exclusion Criteria:

- Women who had neoadjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, women who are
currently on anticoagulant therapy, women who are having breast reconstruction with
Alloderm, women who have chronic pre-operative pain, and/or women who have had a
history of previous implants or prior augmentations

- Women who had neoadjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy

- Women who are currently on anticoagulant therapy

- Women who are having breast reconstruction with Alloderm

- Women who have chronic pre-operative pain

- Women who have had a history of previous implants or prior augmentations

- Women who are currently on anticoagulant therapy

- Women who are having breast reconstruction with Alloderm

- Women who have chronic pre-operative pain

- Women who have had a history of previous implants or prior augmentations
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