The PIO II Study: In-office Post-op Placement of a Steroid-eluting Sinus Implant

Therapuetic Areas:Otolaryngology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 2015
End Date:November 2016

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The PIO II Study: A Randomized, Controlled, Blinded Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of In-office Placement of a Steroid-eluting Sinus Implant Post-ethmoidectomy

Randomized, controlled, blinded clinical trial with 40 patients randomized in a 1:1 ratio to
either treatment (bilateral in-office placement of a drug-eluting implant in the ethmoid
sinuses following ethmoidectomy) or control (post-op standard of care) group and followed for
6 months.

This prospective, randomized, controlled, blinded trial aimed to assess the efficacy of a
drug-eluting sinus implant placed following ethmoidectomy in addition to post-op standard of
care, including debridement, irrigation, and topical steroids, compared to the same standard
of care alone (control). Patients returned for follow-up examination at 2 weeks and again at
1, 3 and 6 months after placement. Follow-up examination consisted of patient-reported
outcomes and endoscopic grading by clinical investigators and an independent sinus surgeon
based on a centralized, blinded video-endoscopy review.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Confirmed diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis, defined by the AAO-HNS 2015 guidelines,
including presence of bilateral ethmoid disease.

- ESS including bilateral ethmoidectomy with middle meatal antrostomy within 7 days
prior to scheduled implant placement. Concurrent septoplasty and surgical treatment of
the other paranasal sinuses also permitted.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Known history of intolerance to corticosteroids or an oral steroid-dependent

- Known history of immune deficiency, insulin-dependent diabetes, cataracts, or glaucoma
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