Web-Delivered Interventions for Blood Sugar Control for Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:February 2016
End Date:November 15, 2017

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Randomized Trial of Web-Delivered Interventions for Blood Sugar Control for Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes

The goal of the research is to optimize an online and mobile multicomponent 12-month diet and
lifestyle intervention for improving the blood glucose control of individuals with type 2

The research will identify the most promising intervention components. The following
components will be tested: dietary adherence testing with a breath meter, text messages, and
diet-appropriate foods and cookbooks. The primary goal is to optimize the intervention by
examining the HbA1c results at 12 months.

Inclusion Criteria:

- overweight or obese

- English-speaking

- diagnosis of type 2 diabetes (HbA1c > 6.5%)

- regular access to the internet and text messages

Exclusion Criteria:

- taking diabetes medications other than metformin

- being pregnant or breastfeeding

- currently undergoing cancer treatments

- untreated serious mental illness
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