Study of Cisplatin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients With Germ Cell Tumor
Status: | Active, not recruiting |
Conditions: | Cancer, Neurology |
Therapuetic Areas: | Neurology, Oncology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 15 - Any |
Updated: | 4/17/2018 |
Start Date: | July 1, 2015 |
End Date: | July 26, 2019 |
A Study of the Natural History of Cisplatin-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients With Germ Cell Tumor
This is a prospective observational study investigating the incidence, characteristics of,
and change in chronic neuropathy symptoms related to cisplatin using the EORTC CIPN-20
instrument. Approximately 60 patients will be collected for this study. The duration of this
study will be up to 18 months for each patient. This study will complement a current R01
funded trial (Platinum Study) which evaluates the genetic predisposition of chronic
neuropathy after 12 months of chemotherapy. However, although the platinum study evaluates a
similar patient population, it does not evaluate the natural history of platinum induced
neuropathy during active treatment and the first 12 months post chemotherapy. This trial will
fill this gap and add to the investigators knowledge for both natural history and genetic
predisposition of platinum neurotoxicity.
and change in chronic neuropathy symptoms related to cisplatin using the EORTC CIPN-20
instrument. Approximately 60 patients will be collected for this study. The duration of this
study will be up to 18 months for each patient. This study will complement a current R01
funded trial (Platinum Study) which evaluates the genetic predisposition of chronic
neuropathy after 12 months of chemotherapy. However, although the platinum study evaluates a
similar patient population, it does not evaluate the natural history of platinum induced
neuropathy during active treatment and the first 12 months post chemotherapy. This trial will
fill this gap and add to the investigators knowledge for both natural history and genetic
predisposition of platinum neurotoxicity.
Primary Objective:
To describe the incidence and characteristics of, and change in, chronic neuropathy symptoms
related to cisplatin, using the EORTC CIPN-20 instrument
The EORTC QLQ-CIPN20 questionnaire will be completed on day one of each cycle of
chemotherapy, once every three weeks (+/-7 days) and once every 2 months (+/- 30 days) from
the last dose of chemotherapy. Patients will be asked to complete the questionnaire in clinic
during their routine visits.
As part of this study, a DNA blood sample will be collected and stored with the Indiana
Biobank on Day 1 of Cycle 1.
To describe the incidence and characteristics of, and change in, chronic neuropathy symptoms
related to cisplatin, using the EORTC CIPN-20 instrument
The EORTC QLQ-CIPN20 questionnaire will be completed on day one of each cycle of
chemotherapy, once every three weeks (+/-7 days) and once every 2 months (+/- 30 days) from
the last dose of chemotherapy. Patients will be asked to complete the questionnaire in clinic
during their routine visits.
As part of this study, a DNA blood sample will be collected and stored with the Indiana
Biobank on Day 1 of Cycle 1.
Inclusion criteria:
1. 15 years of age or older at the time of informed consent
2. Have a confirmed pathologic and/or by tumor marker diagnosis of testicular or
extragonadal germ cell cancer.
3. Provide written informed consent and assent (if applicable).
4. Ability to complete questionnaire(s) in English by themselves or with assistance.
5. Willing to provide a 10 mL blood sample for future DNA testing
6. Planning to receive at least 3 cycles of cisplatin (20 mg/m2/d for 5 days) based
7. Must agree to continued clinical follow-up at the study cancer center.
Exclusion criteria:
1. Diagnosis (current or previous) of peripheral neuropathy (from diabetes or other
2. Previous exposure to neurotoxic chemotherapy drugs including taxanes, platinum agents,
vinca alkaloids, or epothilones.
3. Salvage chemotherapy treatment or bone marrow transplant. Salvage chemotherapy is
defined as any treatment after relapse of the disease following initial chemotherapy
We found this trial at
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Principal Investigator: Costantine Albany, MD
Phone: 317-944-7929
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Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
Principal Investigator: Costantine Albany, MD
Phone: 317-944-7929
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Rochester, Minnesota 55905
Principal Investigator: Charles Loprinzi, MD
Phone: 507-538-9318
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