Robotic Assisted Surgery in Upper Aerodigestive Tract Surgery

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:20 - Any
Start Date:February 2007
End Date:December 2015

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To evaluate the use of the daVinci Robotic System for better visibility and access of head
and neck lesions and decreased amount of surgery time.

This trial is a single institution non-randomized study to evaluate the efficacy and safety
of the da Vinci® Robotic Surgical System. This study will evaluate the use of the daVinci
Robotic System for better visibility and access of head and neck lesions and decreased
amount of surgery time. This is a robotic system used by surgeons to perform surgery in a
less invasive manner.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Head and neck lesions requiring surgical resection, biopsy, or invasive treatment;

- Lesion amendable to robotic assisted surgery treatment;

- Age > 19 years;

- Patient must sign informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Psychological condition that renders the patient unable to understand the informed

- Poor mouth opening, with maximal opening less than 1.5 cm.
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Birmingham, AL
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