Prophylactic Tamsulosin Use for Prevention of Post-Operative Urinary Retention

Therapuetic Areas:Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:40 - Any
Start Date:February 2016
End Date:December 2017

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This randomized open-label study will be comprised of 2 cohorts: one control group and one
treatment group. The trial will be conducted as an open label randomized trial to evaluate
the efficacy of tamsulosin in the prevention of post-operative urinary retention. The study
will include pre- and post-surgical evaluations of patients including symptoms of urinary
retention and any adverse effects contributable to the study medication.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Any male age 40 or older

- Scheduled to undergo one of the planned surgeries (thoracic, general, or urologic)

- Ability to give informed consent

Exclusion Criteria:

- Current use of alpha blocker

- Current use of a strong CYP 3A4 inhibitors

- Any allergy to tamsulosin, alpha-blocker medication class, or anaphylaxis allergy to
sulfate containing medications

- Patients with any upcoming surgery for cataracts

- Currently enrolled in a clinical trial

- Inability to give informed consent
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