Battery-preserving Stimulation Patterns for Deep Brain Stimulation

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Parkinsons Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2014
End Date:August 2016

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Battery-preserving Stimulation Patterns to Improve Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease and Essential Tremor

The purpose of this research study is to test effectiveness of different deep brain
stimulation (DBS) stimulation patterns on symptoms that may also improve the life of the
battery. If these patterns are effective, the implanted batteries will be drained more
slowly and last longer than currently expected. An increase in battery life may reduce the
number of surgeries needed to replace them.

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective surgical therapy for medication-refractory
symptoms of Parkinson's disease, tremor, and dystonia. Patients implanted with DBS
experience a significant improvement of their symptoms with relatively low risk of
intolerable side effects. Implanted patients must undergo repeat surgeries to replace the
Implantable Pulse Generators/batteries (IPG) approximately every 2 to 5 years. The DBS
program (at the University of Florida) has studied battery consumption and has been
interested in potential strategies to extend the life of the IPG to reduce the need for
frequent battery replacement surgeries, while improving symptom-relief, patient
satisfaction, and the potential associated financial burdens.

The research study will evaluate the effects of novel stimulation patterns on tremor,
bradykinesia, rigidity and gait in Parkinson's disease and essential tremor patients.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease or Essential Tremor by strict criteria

- Deep brain stimulation (DBS) already implanted

- Optimized Deep brain stimulation (DBS) settings (or at least 4 months of DBS

Exclusion Criteria:

- Other neurological diagnoses (co-existent Alzheimer's or ALS)

- No Deep brain stimulation (DBS)

- less than 4 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) programming
We found this trial at
Gainesville, Florida 32611
Principal Investigator: Michael S Okun, M.D.
Phone: 352-273-5566
Gainesville, FL
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