Copper Cu 64-DOTA-B-Fab PET/CT in Imaging Patients With Ovarian and Breast Cancer

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 2016
End Date:October 11, 2017

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64Cu-DOTA-B-Fab as A PET Tracer for Evaluating CA6 Expression in Tumors: A First in Human Study

This pilot clinical trial studies copper Cu 64-DOTA-B-Fab positron emission tomography
(PET)/computed tomography (CT) in imaging patients with ovarian and breast cancer. Cancer
antigen (CA)6 is an antigen (substance) found on the surface of several types of cancer cells
such as cancer of the ovary and breast. Diagnostic procedures, such as copper Cu
64-DOTA-B-Fab PET/CT, may help identify CA6 positive tumors and allow doctors to plan better


I. To determine the dosimetry of 64Cu-DOTA B-Fab (copper Cu 64-DOTA-B-Fab).


I. To evaluate the safety of 64Cu-DOTA B-Fab single administration.

II. To evaluate the ability of 64Cu-DOTA B-Fab to detect CA6-positive ovarian and breast
cancer lesions.

III. To compare PET results with the immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis of the excised tumor


Patients receive copper Cu 64-DOTA-B-Fab intravenously (IV) followed by PET/CT 60 minutes
post-injection and 24 hours post-injection

After completion of study, patients are followed up for 12 months.

Inclusion Criteria:

Ovarian Cancer Participants

1. Patient is ≥ 18 years old at the time of the drug administration

2. Participant has suspected or biopsy proven ovarian cancer and is scheduled to undergo
surgical excision of the cancerous lesion(s) OR Participant has biopsy proven ovarian
cancer but is not a surgical candidate

3. Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document.

4. Patient is able to remain still for duration of each imaging procedure

Breast Cancer Participants

1. Patient is ≥ 18 years old at the time of the drug administration

2. Participant has biopsy proven breast cancer and may or may not undergo surgical
excision of the cancerous lesion(s)

3. Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document.

4. Patient is able to remain still for duration of each imaging procedure

Exclusion Criteria:

Ovarian Cancer Participants

1. Patient is pregnant or breast-feeding

2. Patients with contraindications for PET/CT or who cannot complete a PET/CT scan or
other study procedures.

3. Patients with serious uncontrolled concurrent medical illness that would limit
compliance with study requirements

4. Patients participating in other research imaging protocols will be excluded from this

Breast Cancer Participants

1. Patient is pregnant or breast-feeding

2. Patients with contraindications for PET/CT or who cannot complete a PET/CT scan or
other study procedures.

3. Patients with serious uncontrolled concurrent medical illness that would limit
compliance with study requirements

4. Patients participating in other research imaging protocols will be excluded from this
We found this trial at
Palo Alto, California 94304
Principal Investigator: Sanjiv Gambhir
Phone: 650-736-0959
Palo Alto, CA
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