Colorectal Cancer Screening Navigator Program for Low Income and Non-English Speaking Populations

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:52 - 79
Start Date:September 2007
End Date:September 2010
Contact:Sanja Percac-Lima, MD, PhD
Phone:617 889 8580

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Improving Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates by Lowering Barriers in Low Income and Non-English Speaking Populations: The Chelsea Colorectal Cancer Screening Project

The goal of this study is to implement and in a controlled randomised trial test a program
to identify and overcome barriers to CRC screening and thus improve CRC screening rates at
MGH Chelsea HC.

Our hypothesis is that a bilingual navigator program, enhanced by using trained interpreting
staff will improve CRC screening rates at MGH Chelsea HC overall, and decrease disparities
between patients with limited English proficiency and English speakers

We developed a training program for five health center interpreters fluent in eight
different languages. Patients randomly assigned to the study intervention receive an
introductory letter in their native language. During the initial contact the navigator
educates patients about CRC screening and explores patients' barriers to CRC screening.
Based on results from a qualitative study conducted at in 2006, we developed interventions
to overcome individual barriers to CRC screening tailored to each individual patient.
Specific interventions include elucidation of culturally-specific health beliefs; teaching
about cancer risk, colonoscopy, and colon prep administration; and help with
appointment-making and transport.

Inclusion Criteria:

- patients between 52-79 years of age, have not had a colonoscopy within the last 10
years, sigmoidoscopy/barium enema within the past 5 years, or home fecal occult blood
testing within the past year.

Exclusion Criteria:

- acutely ill, currently receiving cancer treatment, or cognitively impaired
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Chelsea, Massachusetts 02150
Chelsea, MA
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