Emergency Linkage to Outpatient Psychiatric Services

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2003
End Date:March 2006

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The purpose of this study is to compare two different kinds of follow-up care and their
effects on psychiatric service use and psychological well-being. This randomized, controlled
trial of subjects discharged from the psychiatric emergency services to outpatient care
receive traditional hospital-based outpatient clinic referrals (treatment as usual) or
appointments for community-based follow-up by a mobile crisis team.

There are subgroups of patients who only seek care in emergency settings. An effective
strategy to link that group to ambulatory care involves extending contact with psychiatric
emergency services beyond the initial hospital-based visit. The "window of opportunity" to
promote successful treatment linkage is brief. This is a study of a novel treatment format
that seeks to expand the concept of the emergency contact, the study patients method of
entering the mental health system of care, and by doing this, enhance retention in
prescribed outpatient care. The effects of the intervention on patient symptoms and mental
health service use will be examined.

Inclusion Criteria:

- English and Spanish-speaking adult patients (18-and above) presenting to the
psychiatric emergency service who rate a "1" or higher on the Spectrum of Suicidal
Behavior of Pfeffer screening scale, and who have outpatient followup organized by
Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program staff through hospital outpatient
psychiatric services are eligible for inclusion.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Subjects less than 18 years old, those rated as not suicidal in the emergency
department, subjects with mental retardation/developmental delay, and subjects who
have community psychiatric treatment that they elect to continue in lieu of hospital
outpatient psychiatric services referral are ineligible.
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