Lupus Nephritis: Role of Environmental and Occupational Exposures

Conditions:Lupus, Nephrology
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases, Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:April 2001
End Date:March 2007

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The purpose of this study is to examine hormonal and environmental risk factors (and
possible gene-environmental interactions) involved in the etiology of lupus nephritis. Our
study will focus on exposures to occupational and environmental agents that have been linked
to the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or renal disease (e.g., silica
dust, smoking). We will also assess potential gene environment interactions. We will examine
these exposures in 100 patients with renal biopsy with documented proliferative or
membraneous nephritis. We will compare exposures in the lupus nephritis patients to lupus
patients who do not have nephritis and to normal controls who have participated in the
Carolina Lupus Study. One hundred lupus nephritis patients (age 18 years or older, of both
genders and all races) will be identified through the Glomerular Disease Collaborative
Network (GDCN) Nephropathology database and participating nephrologists at the Medical
University of South Carolina, Duke University Medical Center and the East Carolina Medical

The purpose of this study is to examine hormonal and environmental risk factors (and
possible gene-environmental interactions) involved in the etiology of lupus nephritis. Our
study will focus on exposures to occupational and environmental agents that have been linked
to the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or renal disease (e.g., silica
dust, smoking). We will also assess potential gene environment interactions. We will examine
these exposures in 100 patients with renal biopsy with documented proliferative or
membraneous nephritis. We will compare exposures in the lupus nephritis patients to lupus
patients who do not have nephritis and to normal controls who have participated in the
Carolina Lupus Study. One hundred lupus nephritis patients (age 18 years or older, of both
genders and all races) will be identified through the Glomerular Disease Collaborative
Network (GDCN) Nephropathology database and participating nephrologists at the Medical
University of South Carolina, Duke University Medical Center and the East Carolina Medical


Have renal biopsy proven Lupus Nephritis (with the biopsy-based diagnosis date no earlier
than January 1, 1995).

Reside within designated counties of eastern North Carolina and South Carolina.
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