Parkinson's Genes and Environment Study

Conditions:Parkinsons Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology
Age Range:50 - 80
Start Date:February 8, 2006

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The Parkinson's, Genes and Environment (PAGE) Study

This study will examine the roles of diet, lifestyle, genes, and their possible interactions
in the cause of Parkinson's disease, using information from the NIH-AARP Diet and Health
Study. The NIH-AARP study was established in 1995 to examine the roles of diet and lifestyle
in cancer. It included 567,169 AARP members 50 or older from California, Florida, North
Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Louisiana, and the Atlanta and Detroit metropolitan
areas. In 1995, participants completed a comprehensive questionnaire on diet and a survey on
demographics, medications, as well as a follow-up survey in 1996 with more detailed questions
on lifestyle and medications, as well as cooking methods and early life dietary habits. A
third followup survey is currently underway.

The current NIH-AARP substudy on Parkinson's disease will include approximately 9,000
participants from the NIH-AARP study - 3,000 of whom reported being diagnosed with
Parkinson's disease on the most recent survey, and 6,000 control subjects. These study
participants provide two saliva samples for genetic analysis and may be asked to complete a
telephone interview. In addition, those with Parkinson's disease are asked permission to
review medical information regarding their diagnosis.

Parkinson s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease, affecting
more than 1 million elderly Americans. The causes of PD are largely unknown, but may include
both genetic and environmental factors. We thus propose a large study to investigate the
roles of diet, lifestyle, genes and their potential interactions in PD etiology, using the
NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. The AARP cohort was established by investigators at NCI and
recruited over half a million participants in 1995 and had prospectively collected detailed
information on diet and lifestyle. At baseline, participants were 50 years or older and
included 40% women. After more than 8 years of follow-up, we expect to confirm 1,208 incident
PD cases with their neurologists. We will comprehensively examine the associations between
diet and lifestyle and risk of PD, focusing on dietary antioxidants, fat, caffeine, dairy
products, estrogen use, obesity, physical activity, and non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs). Further, we will collect saliva samples from PD patients and selected controls
without PD for genetic analysis. These results will be used to explore the PD associations
with several common genetic polymorphisms and, for the first time, their interactions with
several promising diet or lifestyle exposures. Many of the specific aims are novel and
important but have been rarely examined in previous investigations. The findings will improve
our understanding of the complex relationships among diet, lifestyle, gene-environment
interaction, and PD etiology and may potentially contribute to successful PD prevention

Study Aims:

1. Examine dietary factors that may increase or decrease PD risk.

2. Examine lifestyle factors that may increase or decrease PD risk.

3. Examine genetic polymorphisms in relation to PD risk and their interactions with diet

and lifestyle on PD risk.

Study Population: The NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study cohort.


1. Longitudinal study for the first two study aims

2. Nested case-control study for the third study aim.

Outcome Parameters: Physician confirmed PD diagnoses.


This study will be conducted within the infrastructure of the NIH-AARP Diet and Health
Study; every participant in the AARP cohort will be eligible for the current investigation.
Individuals with PD at baseline (prevalent cases) or with missing information on exposure
variables are still eligible for the study, but may be excluded from specific analysis.

The proposed study does not require new recruitment.


No children are included.

The analytic sample includes all participants who respond to the follow-up questionnaires
and have non-missing values on the baseline surveys. Participants who reported PD before
exposure assessment may be excluded from the analyses.
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Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
Research Triangle Park, NC
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