FCR and Bevacizumab in the Treatment of Relapsed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

Conditions:Blood Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:February 2007
End Date:October 2014

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Fludarabine, Cyclophosphamide, Rituximab and Bevacizumab in the Treatment of Relapsed Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

The goal of this clinical research study is to learn if the combination of fludarabine,
cyclophosphamide, rituximab, and bevacizumab is effective in treating chronic lymphocytic
leukemia in patients who have already been treated with chemotherapy. The safety of this
treatment will also be studied.

During the study, you will have up to 6 "cycles" of treatment. A cycle is made up of
treatment with the study drugs for 3-4 days and then about 3-1/2 weeks (25 days) of no
treatment (about 4 weeks total). Treatment with the study drugs will be given for 4 days in
a row on the first cycle, and 3 days in a row on Cycles 2-6. On Day 1 of each cycle, you
will receive rituximab through a needle in a vein. On Cycle 1, since it is your first
exposure to rituximab, it must be given slowly, so it may take 6-8 hours to complete. On the
cycles after that, it can be given more rapidly, over 3-4 hours. Cyclophosphamide and
fludarabine will be given separately through a needle in a vein on Days 2-4 of Cycle 1 and
Days 1-3 of Cycles 2-6. Cyclophosphamide and fludarabine will each be given over 30 minutes.
Bevacizumab will be given through a needle in a vein over 90 minutes on Day 3 of Cycle 1. If
it is well tolerated, the next dose of Bevacizumab will be given over 60 minutes on Day 2 of
Cycle 2. If the Cycle 2 dose is well tolerated, the next doses of Bevacizumab will be given
over 30 minutes on Day 2 of Cycles 2-6. In addition to the study drugs, you may also be
given fluids by vein to help flush the kidneys, to help prevent possible kidney damage. You
may receive up to 6 cycles of treatment. Treatment will be given on an outpatient basis. The
injections for each daily treatment visit should take less than 6 hours.

Up to 66 patients will take part in the study. All will be enrolled at M.D. Anderson.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of B-cell CLL

- Relapsed, fludarabine-sensitive (duration of response > 6 months as assessed by prior
treating physician) or fludarabine-naive patients

- Rai Stage III or IV, or Rai Stage I or II if determined to have disease progression
as evidenced by rapid doubling of peripheral lymphocyte count, progressive
lymphadenopathy, progressive splenomegaly, or B symptoms.

- Prestudy WHO Performance Status
- Signed, written Institutional Review Board (IRB)approved informed consent.

- Men and women of reproductive potential must agree to follow accepted birth control
methods during treatment and for 3 months after completion of treatment.

- Acceptable liver function: Bilirubin (SGPT)
- Acceptable hematologic status: Platelet count >/= 50 x 10^9/L., absolute neutrophil
count (ANC) >/= 1 x 10^9/L.

- Acceptable renal function: Serum creatinine
Exclusion Criteria:

- Cancer radiotherapy, radioimmunotherapy, biological therapy, chemotherapy, or other
investigational therapy within 4 weeks prior to Study Day 1.

- Known infection with HIV, hepatitis B, or hepatitis C

- Transformation to aggressive B-cell malignancy (e.g., large B-cell lymphoma,
Richter's Syndrome, or prolymphocyte leukemia [PLL]).

- Patients with secondary malignancy requiring active treatment (except hormonal

- Active uncontrolled bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.

- New York Heart Association Class II-IV cardiac disease or myocardial infarction
within the past 6 months prior to Study Day 1.

- Pregnant or currently breast-feeding.

- Current, recent (within 4 weeks of the first infusion of this study), or planned
participation in an experimental drug study other than a Genentech-sponsored
bevacizumab cancer study.

- Blood pressure of > 150/100 mmHg

- Unstable angina

- History of stroke within 6 months

- Clinically significant peripheral vascular disease

- Evidence of bleeding diathesis or coagulopathy

- Major surgical procedure, open biopsy, or significant traumatic injury within 28 days
prior to Day 1, anticipation of need for major surgical procedure during the course
of the study.

- Minor surgical procedures, fine needle aspirations or core biopsies within 7 days
prior to Day 1.

- Urine protein:creatinine ratio >/= 1.0 at screening.

- History of abdominal fistula, gastrointestinal perforation, or intra-abdominal
abscess within 6 months prior to Day 1.

- Serious, non-healing wound, ulcer, or bone fracture.
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