Mood and Anti-craving Effects of Varenicline in Psychiatric Inpatients

Conditions:Depression, Depression, Smoking Cessation
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology, Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:October 2007
End Date:October 2008

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Assessment of Response to Open-label Treatment With Varenicline in Psychiatric Inpatients

This study of psychiatric inpatients will assess mood effects of varenicline, as well as
assess if varenicline decreased nicotine cravings acutely.

This study will also measure side effects of varenicline when given in addition to other
psychiatric and non-psychiatric medications.

This study will measure mood effects and rapid anti-craving effects of varenicline in
psychiatric inpatients. Patients will be offered to participate in the trial if they wish to
stop smoking or wish to decrease nicotine cravings while in the hospital. They will not be
able to use nicotine replacement products when taking varenicline.

Patients will be assessed with the QIDS-SR16, Minnesota Nicotine Withdrawal Scale as well as
the Frequency, Intensity, and Burden of Side Effects (FISER) at baseline and daily during
the trial; patients will be asked to enroll for the duration of their hospitalization.
Patients will be assessed as to whether they wish to continue varenicline post-discharge.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Admission to Butler Hospital during study period.

2. Current tobacco users ages 18-65.

3. Able to give written, informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Past adverse reaction to varenicline.

2. Treatment with varenicline on admission to Butler Hospital.

3. Renal failure or dialysis

(3) Current pregnancy or breastfeeding.
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Providence, RI
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