Upper Extremity Lymphatic Mapping for Breast Cancer Patients

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:21 - Any
Start Date:June 2008
End Date:October 2009

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Upper Extremity Lymphatic Mapping for Breast Cancer Patients: A Pilot Study

This study is being done to see if lymph nodes that drain the arm also drain the breast. An
axillary lymph node dissection removes lymph nodes under the arm. It is done to help prevent
cancer cells from spreading to the rest of the body. Usually, about 12 to 15 nodes are
removed. They are then examined to see if they have cancer cells. Removing these lymph nodes
has some side effects. The most common is lymphedema. This is the build-up of fluid in the
arm. This study will tell us if it may be possible in the future to identify lymph nodes
that just drain the arm. Leaving those nodes may help to reduce the rate of lymphedema for
future patients.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Females with Stage II invasive breast cancer and documented axillary metastases by
core biopsy, clinical examination, or fine-needle aspiration who are scheduled to
undergo an ALND.

- Females > 21 years of age

Exclusion Criteria:

- Prior ipsilateral axillary surgery

- Prior ipsilateral axillary radiation

- Prior ipsilateral breast cancer

- Prior ipsilateral breast radiation

- Allergy to isosulfan blue dye

- History of ipsilateral upper extremity lymphedema

- Prior history of surgical excision of the upper outer quadrant of the ipsilateral

- Prior history of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for current breast cancer

- Bulky axillary disease at presentation (N2)
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