Effects of Pulsed Intravenous (IV) Insulin on Brittle and Uncontrolled Diabetes

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:March 2007
End Date:March 2012

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Effects of Pulsatile Intravenous Insulin on Brittle Diabetes and Glucose Control

The purpose of this study is to determine if restoring normal metabolic function in patients
with either type I or type II diabetes can improve the impact of the consequences of
diabetic complications specifically on the wide swings in blood glucoses with erratic
control even under optimal conditions. Patients are treated once a week with pulsatile
intravenous insulin therapy mimicking normal insulin secretion. Blood sugar diaries and
laboratory tests including quarterly Hemoglobin A1c levels are monitored to measure progress
and outcomes.

It is known that the glucose metabolic pathway (glycolysis) is the primary fuel generator in
the brain and nerve tissue, the heart and vascular tissue, the eye, the kidney and the liver
Deficient metabolic states such as seen in the glucose metabolism of diabetics can lead to
sequelae. These damaging effects are exacerbated by altered cellular metabolites,
specifically the increase in catabolic and decrease in anabolic factors. It has been shown
over the past twenty years that normalization of metabolism in diabetic patients can be
accomplished by mimicking the normal endogenous insulin pattern (i.e., in pulses). Pulsatile
intravenous insulin infusion has been demonstrated to stabilize the erratic wide swings in
blood glucose levels and the overall stabilization of hyperglycemic and hypoglycemic events
in Type 1 diabetic patients. This study was established to evaluate the effect of providing
pulsatile intravenous insulin therapy on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes to determine the
effect on improving diabetic control on patients with high blood glucose levels in spite of
multiple insulin injections and wide swings in blood sugar despite good control.

The RQ is determined by the use of a metabolic cart. Individuals breathe into a mask for 3-5
minutes after a rest period of 30 or more minutes. The ratio of exhaled volume of CO2 to the
inhaled volume of O2 is determined as the RQ. The physiologic range is 0.7 to1.3.
Individuals using fat as a primary fuel have a ratio of 0.7, protein or mixed fuels is
0.8-0.9 and carbohydrate is 0.9-1.0. Those taking excessive calories will have RQ's higher
than 1.05. The RQ can be followed serially and this is done before and after each pulsatile
IV insulin treatment, during the 3 successive sessions on a single treatment day. The amount
of intravenous insulin and oral glucose given is determined by the RQ changes during the
previous session.pulsatile IV insulin therapy encourages the glucose metabolism in diabetics
to normalize in multiple organs, especially muscle, retina, liver, kidney and nerve endings.
The process fundamentally requires the administration of high dose insulin pulses similar to
those found in non diabetic humans by their pancreas into the surrounding portal
circulation. Oral carbohydrates are given simultaneously to augment the process and prevent
hypoglycemia. The process is monitored by frequent glucose levels and respiratory quotients
(RQ). RQ is measured by a metabolic cart which determines the ratio VCO2/ VO2. This ratio is
specific for the fuel used at any one time by the body. The glucose levels are monitored to
keep glucose levels appropriate and the RQ determines the need to readjust the infusion
protocol in each patient for subsequent insulin infusion sessions.Patient is evaluated post
session and discharged when stable.

Frequent monitoring of RQ is necessary as these levels change rapidly, depending on the fuel
being utilized by the body. Pulsatile IV insulin therapy shifts metabolism from primarily
fatty acid metabolism to primarily glucose metabolism. This shift is reflected by the
increase in respiratory quotient. However during rest periods the RQ may fall back to lower
levels. Therefore RQ's are done at the beginning and at the end of each insulin infusion
session of 1 hour in order to appropriately monitor and adjust insulin and carbohydrate
loads to reach optimal activation in each session

Inclusion Criteria:

- The researchers will include up to 300 patients both male and female between the ages
of 18 and 85 diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus.

- Self reporting or diagnosed with significant complications resulting from diabetes.

- Taking oral agents and/or insulin for diabetic control.

- Under an Endocrinologists supervision for their diabetes management.

- Endocrinologist must assess and approve patient for participation in this study.

- Ability to swallow without difficulty.

- Ability to commit to the weekly time requirements associated with the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Other causes of complications not related to diabetes.

- Lack of intravenous access.

- Pregnancy.

- Alcohol abuse, drug addiction or the use of illegal drugs.

- Positive HIV.

- Inability to breathe into machine for respiratory quotients.
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