Conformal Partial Breast Irradiation With CyberKnife After Resection for Early Stage Breast Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:60 - 60
Start Date:June 2010
End Date:August 2021

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The purpose of this study is to determine if it is feasible, safe, and effective to use
Cyberknife radiotherapy to deliver partial breast radiotherapy after lumpectomy.Patients
meeting eligibility criteria will be invited to participate. Adjuvant radiotherapy will be
delivered using CyberKnife radiotherapy using twice daily sessions for five days for a total
of ten sessions. Short-term and long-term toxicity will be assessed as well as Tumor control
and site of failure (if any).

This study will determine the feasibility and toxicity of a short course of accelerated
radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment for early stage breast cancer. Successful completion of
this project may provide a rationale to offer this treatment for select patients with the
benefit of potentially less tissue damage and a shorter overall course of therapy. These
improvements may ultimately allow more patients the opportunity of breast conserving therapy
to treat their cancer

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Diagnosis of breast malignancy, stage T1

2. Surgical treatment with lumpectomy

3. age 60 or older

4. resection margins negative by at least 2mm

5. any grade

6. ER positive

7. unicentric

8. invasive ductal

9. pathologic free of nodal metastases (N0, i- or i+)

10. Post-lumpectomy cavity to whole breast ratio must be less than or equal to 30%

Exclusion criteria

1. Prior radiotherapy to the breast

2. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy

3. multicentric disease

4. Pure DCIS histology

5. Presence of extensive intraductal component

6. Node positive disease (N1 or greater)
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