Making Decisions About Depression Medications

Conditions:Depression, Depression
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:December 2011
End Date:October 2013

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Translation of Comparative Effectiveness of Depression Medications Into Practice

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the Depression Medication Choice decision
aid is effective in involving patients with depression in making deliberate choices when
considering medication treatment.

To determine the ability of decision aids to effectively translate a depression comparative
effectiveness research (CER) review into practice, the investigators have developed a
literacy-sensitive depression treatment decision aid, DEPRESSION MEDICATION CHOICE, which
adapts the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)'s Effective Healthcare
comparative effectiveness review and associated patient guide about antidepressant medicines
to satisfy the needs of clinicians, patients, and other major stakeholders. The
investigators will conduct a randomized study to estimate the effect of the decision aid on
patient knowledge, patient involvement in decision making and decision-making quality, and
on three and six-month measures of medication adherence and mental health, when compared
with usual care.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Presumed diagnosis of depression (PHQ-9 of 10 or greater)

- As judged by clinician, need to initiate drug treatment for depression

- Identify primary care clinician as main depression provider

- Agree to be available for follow-up survey 6 months after treatment decision

Exclusion Criteria:

- Has prior diagnosis of bipolar disorder

- Has major communication barrier (severe hearing/vision impairment, dementia, cannot
communicate with clinician in same language)
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