Understanding Women's Contraceptive Expectations at the Time of a First Trimester Surgical Abortion

Conditions:Contraception, Contraception
Therapuetic Areas:Reproductive
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:December 2012
End Date:February 2013

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The investigators will conduct a voluntary anonymous survey at four separate Sacramento area
family planning clinics. The investigators will ask the staff at each facility to offer a
survey to all women 18 and older presenting to the clinic to have a first trimester (<12
weeks gestation) surgical abortion. Gestational age will be based on what the woman believes
is her gestational age at presentation, before any evaluation in the clinic. Women who
cannot understand or read the survey will be excluded. The investigators hope to implement
the survey at these clinics for 3-4 months reaching a minimum of 200 women (based on a
target population of 600 women receiving surgical first trimester abortions at these two
clinics over a 3-4 month period with a 95% confidence interval).

We will conduct a voluntary anonymous survey at four separate Sacramento area family
planning clinics. We will introduce the research project to clinic staff, recruiting their
support and participation, as they will be the main implementers. The survey will be offered
to women in the waiting room before any pre-procedure counseling. We will include all women
presenting to the clinic who are 18 years and older and planning to have a first trimester
(<12 weeks gestation) surgical abortion. Gestational age will be based on what the woman
believes is her gestational age at presentation, before any evaluation in the clinic. Women
who cannot understand or read the survey will be excluded. We hope to implement the survey
at these two clinics for 3-4 months reaching a minimum of 200 women so as to obtain an
adequate power for our study. The brief survey will include a cover letter explaining the
study and stressing the anonymity and confidentiality. The surveys will include an envelope
in which to place completed surveys; the envelope can be sealed by the participant and
dropped in a collection bin. This process will allow the data to be collected anonymously.
The survey data will then be synthesized first by descriptive analysis, followed by
chi-square and multiple regression analyses. A statistician in the University of California
Davis Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will help when necessary.

Inclusion Criteria:

- seeking first trimester surgical abortion

Exclusion Criteria:

- Women who cannot understand or read the survey
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