Food Effect Study on the Bioavailability and PK of PA-824 Tablets in Healthy Adult Subjects (CL-009)
Status: | Completed |
Conditions: | Infectious Disease |
Therapuetic Areas: | Immunology / Infectious Diseases |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 19 - 50 |
Updated: | 4/21/2016 |
Start Date: | September 2009 |
End Date: | January 2010 |
A Phase 1, Randomized, Balanced, Single-Dose, Two-Period, Two-Sequence, Crossover, Open-Label Study of the Effect of Food on the Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of PA-824 Tablets in Healthy Adult Subjects
This will be a Phase 1, single-center, randomized, balanced, single-dose, two-period,
two-sequence, crossover, open-label study to evaluate the effect of food on the
pharmacokinetics of PA-824. The hypothesis to be tested in this study is that the rate and
extent of absorption of two doses of PA-824 (50mg or 400 mg and 200mg) are the same after a
high-calorie, high-fat meal as compared with after a minimum 10-hour fast.
For each of the two dose levels 16 subjects with approximately 8 men and 8 women, will be
enrolled for a total of 32 subjects.
two-sequence, crossover, open-label study to evaluate the effect of food on the
pharmacokinetics of PA-824. The hypothesis to be tested in this study is that the rate and
extent of absorption of two doses of PA-824 (50mg or 400 mg and 200mg) are the same after a
high-calorie, high-fat meal as compared with after a minimum 10-hour fast.
For each of the two dose levels 16 subjects with approximately 8 men and 8 women, will be
enrolled for a total of 32 subjects.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Have the ability to understand the requirements of the study, have provided written
informed consent (as evidenced by signature on an informed consent document approved
by an IRB), and agree to abide by the study restrictions.
2. Be healthy non-tobacco/nicotine using (6-month minimum) adult subjects, 19 to 50
years of age, inclusive.
3. Be medically healthy subjects with clinically insignificant Screening results (among
laboratory profiles, medical histories, ECGs, or physical exam), as deemed by the
Principal Investigator.
4. Have a body mass index of 18 to 29.
5. Have negative urine test results for alcohol and drugs of abuse such as amphetamines,
cannabinoids, and cocaine metabolites at both Screening and Check-in.
6. Agree to follow the requirements set forth in the protocol regarding pregnancy
controls and donation of sperm, blood, or blood components.
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Any clinically significant (as deemed by the Principal Investigator) history, acute
illness (resolved within 4 weeks of screening), or presence of cardiovascular,
pulmonary, hepatic, renal, hematologic, gastrointestinal (including eating
disorders), endocrine, metabolic, immunologic, dermatologic, neurologic,
psychological, or psychiatric disease.
2. History of peptic ulcer disease, gastritis, esophagitis, or gastroesophageal reflux
3. History of any cardiac abnormality (as deemed by the Principal Investigator).
4. Any clinically significant ECG abnormality at Screening (as deemed by the Principal
Investigator and the Sponsor's Medical Monitor). Note: the following can be
considered not clinically significant without consulting Sponsor's Medical Monitor:
- Sinus bradycardia with heart rate ≥50 beats per minute (sinus bradycardia with
heart rate between 45 and 49, inclusive, is acceptable only in younger athletic
- Mild first degree A-V block (P-R interval <0.23 sec)
- Right or left axis deviation
- Incomplete right bundle branch block
- Isolated left anterior fascicular block (left anterior hemiblock) in younger
athletic subjects
5. History of prolonged QT interval.
6. Family history of Long-QT Syndrome or sudden death without a preceding diagnosis of a
condition that could be causative of sudden death (such as known coronary artery
disease or CHF or terminal cancer)
7. Resting pulse rate < 40 or > 100 bpm at Screening.
8. At Screening blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg or below 95/65 mm Hg (supine,
after a minimum 5-minute supine rest)
9. At either Screening or the pre-dose read before the first dose, a QTcB (Bazett's
correction) >450ms for men and women, calculated from the average of triplicate reads
collected at one sitting.
10. At either Screening or the pre-dose read before the first dose, a QTcF (Fridericia's
correction) >450ms for men and women, calculated from the average of triplicate reads
collected at one sitting.
11. History of hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia.
12. History or presence of alcoholism or drug abuse within the past 2 years (as deemed by
the Principal Investigator).
13. Use of alcohol within 72 hours prior to dosing.
14. Significant history of drug and/or food allergies (as deemed by the Principal
15. For women, subject is pregnant (positive test for serum HCG at Screening or
Check-in), breastfeeding or planning to conceive a child within 1 week of cessation
of treatment.
16. For males, planning to father a child within 12 weeks of cessation of treatment.
17. History of lens opacity or evidence of lens opacity on slit lamp ophthalmologic
18. Any contraindication to the use of nitroimidazoles or prior treatment with PA-824 or
19. Use of any systemic or topical prescription medication within 14 days prior to dosing
or during the study, except hormonal contraceptives in women
20. Use of any systemic or over-the-counter medication including vitamins, herbal
preparations, antacids, cough and cold remedies, etc., within 7 days prior to dosing
or during the study.
21. Use of any drugs or substances within 30 days prior to dosing known to be strong
inhibitors or inducers of cytochrome P450 enzymes (including quinidine, tyramine,
ketoconazole, testosterone, quinine, gestodene, metyrapone, phenelzine, doxorubicin,
troleandomycin, cyclobenzaprine, erythromycin, cocaine, furafylline, cimetidine,
dextromethorphan, etc.) or known to prolong the QT interval (including amiodarone,
bepridil chloroquine, chlorpromazine, cisapride, clarithromycin, disopyramide
dofetilide, domperidone, droperidol, erythromycin, halofantrine, haloperidol,
ibutilide, levomethadyl, mesoridazine, methadone, pentamidine, pimozide,
procainamide, quinidine, quinolones, sotalol, sparfloxacin, thioridazine,) or
barbiturates, opiates, or phenothiazines.
22. Use of any therapeutic agents known to alter any major organ function (e.g.,
barbiturates, opiates, phenothiazines, cimetidine, etc.) within 30 days prior to
23. Consumption of products containing grapefruit within 10 days prior to dosing.
24. Any special dietary changes during the 30 days prior to dosing, as deemed by the
Principal Investigator in consultation with the Sponsor Medical Monitor.
25. Any strenuous exercise within 7 days of Check-in, as deemed by the Principal
Investigator in consultation with the Sponsor Medical Monitor.
26. Donation of whole blood or significant loss of blood within 56 days prior to dosing.
27. Plasma donation within 7 days prior to dosing
28. Participation in another interventional clinical trial within 30 days prior to
29. Any serum creatinine or BUN measure beyond the upper limit of the normal range at
Screening or Check-in. Individual values may be discussed with the Sponsor Medical
30. Hemoglobin < 12.0 g/dL at the screening and check-in visit.
31. Positive Screening test for HCV, HBV, or HIV.
32. Any other factor which suggests to the Principal Investigator that the subject should
not participate in the study.
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