Comparing the Effect of the Water Drinking Test on Intraocular Pressure

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:21 - 90
Start Date:July 2013
End Date:July 2014

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Comparing the Effect of the Water Drinking Test on Intraocular Pressure in Patients With Prior Trabeculectomy or Tube Shunt Surgeries

A test that was common in the 1960's and was used to detect primary open angle glaucoma was
the water drinking test (patients drank 1 quart of water to stress the fluid drainage
mechanism of the eyes. Intraocular pressure was then measured over the next hour). Recently
this test has been demonstrated as a predictor of peak eye pressure during the day. The
purpose of this study is to compare the results of the water drinking test between eyes that
have undergone trabeculectomy and eyes that have undergone tube shunt surgery.

Inclusion Criteria:

- prior trabeculectomy or tube shunt for the treatment of glaucoma

- age 21-90 years

Exclusion Criteria:

- inability to give informed consent

- current ocular infection

- more than 1 prior trabeculectomy, or more than 1 prior tube shunt

- previous refractive surgery

- pregnant women

- heart failure

- renal failure or uncontrolled urine retention

- corneal abnormalities preventing reliable IOP measurement
We found this trial at
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
Philadelphia, PA
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