Sepsis Trial of Early Physical Therapy Outside the ICU

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2014
End Date:October 2020

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Sepsis Trial of Early Physical Therapy Outside the ICU: A Pilot Feasibility Study

The purpose of this study is to determine whether an additional physical therapy program can
improve the mobility and functional outcomes of patients diagnosed with severe sepsis (an
illness in which the body has a severe response to bacteria or other germs and develops
worsened function of a major organ such as the kidneys, heart, or lungs).

Patients who are admitted to the hospitalist service at the University of Michigan Hospital
will be screened for the presence of severe sepsis. Those who are deemed eligible and provide
consent will be enrolled. Study patients will receive additional physical therapy according
to a protocol developed for this study in addition to the usual care recommended by their
regular treating physician. Additional treatments will be individualized based on enrolled
patients' baseline physical function and progress and may include standing, stretching,
transferring, and walking - either with assistance or independently. Treating therapists have
been trained in the use of the protocol and individualization to maintain the highest
standard of patient safety. Patients will be contacted 30 days after discharge to answer
questions about their health and ability to perform routine tasks at home.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Any English-speaking patient over the age of 18 who is currently admitted to a general
care floor under the care of the Medicine Faculty Hospitalist Service at the
University of Michigan Health System and has severe sepsis is eligible to take part in
this study.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Subjects must be deemed by the study team to give informed consent by being able to
state the basic purpose of the study. Consent by a legally authorized representative
(LAR) will not be sought.
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