Message: Study of Patients' Perception of Physician's Compassion

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 2013
End Date:August 2015

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A Trial on Patient's Evaluation of a Physician Conveying Two Different Messages

The goal of this study is to learn what types of conversations patients prefer to have with
their doctor about treatment options and how patients view their doctor's compassion.

If participant agree to take part in the study, basic information will be collected (such as
date of birth, date of diagnosis, sex, and religion). Participant will also complete
questionnaires about any symptoms they may be having, how hopeful they are, how they are
accepting the disease, their trust in the medical profession, and how they like information
to be delivered to them.

After completing the questionnaires, they will be randomly assigned (as the roll of dice) to
one of 4 groups.

Regardless of which group they are in, they will watch 2 short videos that show actors
portraying a doctor and patient having a conversation about treatment options in a clinical
setting. Both videos will discuss the same material, but the order of the videos and the
actors in the videos will be different for each group. Both videos are about 4 minutes long.

After watching each video, the participant will complete 3 questionnaires about the doctor
in the video. It should take about 38 minutes to watch both videos and to complete all of
the questionnaires.

After they have watched both videos, they will be asked to choose which doctor they
preferred and to briefly explain the reasons why they chose that doctor.

Length of Study:

Participant will be off study after they have completed the last questionnaire.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Diagnosis of advanced cancer, defined as locally advanced, recurrent or metastatic

2. Patients treated as outpatients by the Supportive and Palliative Care team.

3. Age >/= 18 years-old

4. English speaking

5. Normal cognitive status as determined by the interviewer based on the ability to
understand the nature of the study and consent process.

Exclusion Criteria:

1) Patients suffering from a severe psychiatric disorder or condition that would
significantly interfere with study participation, as determined by the Principal
Investigator or by the attending palliative care physician.
We found this trial at
1515 Holcombe Blvd
Houston, Texas 77030
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center The mission of The University of Texas MD...
Houston, TX
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