Erythrocyte Ghost Mediated Retinal Diagnosis

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:40 - Any
Start Date:October 2013
End Date:January 2016

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Instead of the usual procedure of injecting ICG dye directly into an arm vein, now the dye
can be placed inside of RBCs. When a small volume of the RBC's with the dye is injected into
a person's arm, the individual RBCs can be seen as they flow through the retinal blood

Capillary erythrocyte movement throughout the entire human macula can be observed routinely
for periods up to 20 minutes by autologous re-injection of a small volume (about 1 mL) of
indocyanine green (ICG)-loaded erythrocytes, making possible for the first time
quantification of blood flow in individual capillaries, including abnormal structures like
choroidal neovascularization (CNV), and it makes possible characterization of vasomotion in
ocular vasculatures.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. A male or female, of any race who is at least 40 years of age and has clinical signs
of CNV or exudative manifestations of AMD, has clinical signs of DR, or clinical
signs of retinal occlusive disease.

2. Patients with subfoveal, extrafoveal or juxtafoveal CNV, which is classic, minimally
classic or occult and has dimensions less than 25.0 mm2 as measured on the sodium
fluorescein angiogram (SFA).

3. Patient with recurrent CNV, where previous treatment never involved the foveal
avascular zone (FAZ).

4. Analysis of highspeed ICGA must show one or more welldefined feeder vessel.

5. Patient must have best corrected visual acuity based on the ETDRS chart between 20/40
and 20/320 in the study eye.

6. Patient must be willing, be able to comply with the protocol and provide informed

Exclusion Criteria:

1. CNV secondary to any cause other than AMD or DR.

2. Patient with significantly compromised visual acuity in the study eye due to
concomitant ocular conditions.

3. Patient participating in any other investigational drug study.

4. Patient with significant liver disease or uremia.

5. Patient with known adverse reaction to indocyanine green or iodine.

6. Patient is pregnant or nursing.
We found this trial at
New York, New York 10065
New York, NY
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