Colon Cancer Risk-stratification Via Optical Analysis of Rectal Ultrastructure

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:50 - Any
Start Date:September 2016
End Date:September 2020

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This is a study whose focus is on understanding the clinical utility of rectal ultrastructure
in detecting colonic neoplasm. The method uses Low-coherence Enhanced Backscattering
Spectroscopy (LEBS).

The investigators use an optic probe which is a small device that uses light to assess the
colon tissue. This probe will be used to identify subjects who do and do not have
precancerous changes in the colon by capturing the light reflected back from the rectal wall
and that will be assessed without the need for colonoscopy and bowel preparation (i.e
unprepped). This device may detect early cancerous changes in colon tissue with higher
accuracy than current tests.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Subjects are eligible if they were scheduled for colonoscopy for colon cancer screening
or surveillance

Exclusion Criteria:

- age <50

- personal/family history of colonic neoplasia

- personal history of coagulopathy

- (retrospectively) failure to complete or inadequate colonoscopy

- any patients harboring non-pathoglocially normal rectum (i.e. presence of lesion,
inflammation, polyp, adenomas at rectum)
We found this trial at
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Boston, MA
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