Enhancing Connections: Helping the Mother With Breast Cancer Support Her Child
Status: | Completed |
Conditions: | Breast Cancer, Cancer |
Therapuetic Areas: | Oncology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - 65 |
Updated: | 5/21/2016 |
Start Date: | June 1999 |
End Date: | May 2007 |
Helping the Mother With Breast Cancer Support Her Child
This is a 6-state randomized controlled trial (RCT) that uses a behavioral intervention to
enhance parenting skills for school age children when a mother is recently diagnosed with
early stage breast cancer. Efficacy analyses will include measures of the child's and
mother's psychosocial adjustment, including enhanced parenting quality and skills related to
the cancer.
enhance parenting skills for school age children when a mother is recently diagnosed with
early stage breast cancer. Efficacy analyses will include measures of the child's and
mother's psychosocial adjustment, including enhanced parenting quality and skills related to
the cancer.
This is a Phase 3 randomized clinical trial of recently diagnosed mothers with local or
regional breast cancer and their school age child. After baseline measures are taken,
mothers are randomized into either intervention and control group. Intervention participants
are given 5, 1-hour at home educational counseling sessions by a specially trained nurse.
Control participants are mailed an educational booklet whose content focuses on supportive
parenting behaviors that are part of the face to face sessions given to the experimental
The theoretical framework for the study derives from Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, a
contextual model of parenting, and stress and coping theory. Efficacy is evaluated through
standardized valid and reliable questionnaires of psychosocial functioning in the mother
(affect, mood, self-efficacy) and psychosocial functioning in the child (cognitive-emotional
functioning, including behavioral problems, anxiety, depressed mood, and cancer-related
concerns). Primary study hypotheses will be evaluated comparing pre-posttest measures of the
intervention compared to controls at post-test and 1-year follow up.
regional breast cancer and their school age child. After baseline measures are taken,
mothers are randomized into either intervention and control group. Intervention participants
are given 5, 1-hour at home educational counseling sessions by a specially trained nurse.
Control participants are mailed an educational booklet whose content focuses on supportive
parenting behaviors that are part of the face to face sessions given to the experimental
The theoretical framework for the study derives from Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory, a
contextual model of parenting, and stress and coping theory. Efficacy is evaluated through
standardized valid and reliable questionnaires of psychosocial functioning in the mother
(affect, mood, self-efficacy) and psychosocial functioning in the child (cognitive-emotional
functioning, including behavioral problems, anxiety, depressed mood, and cancer-related
concerns). Primary study hypotheses will be evaluated comparing pre-posttest measures of the
intervention compared to controls at post-test and 1-year follow up.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Local or regional breast cancer recently diagnosed
- Able to read and write English
- Has one or more school age child(ren) living at home
- Married to a man or in a committed long-term intimate relationship with a male
Exclusion Criteria:
- Non-English speaking
- Advanced stage breast cancer
- Not recently diagnosed
- Single mother
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