Predictors of Unsuccessful Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Complex Colon Polyps

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology, Oncology
Age Range:18 - 90
Start Date:August 2014
End Date:December 31, 2016

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Predictors of Unsuccessful Endoscopic Mucosal Resection of Complex Colon Polyps: "You Can Look But You Can't Touch"

A prospective outcomes study in patients referred for endoscopic mucosal resection of
complex colon polyps.

Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States. The
number of these deaths has significantly decreased due to screening colonoscopies. A
colonoscopy is a procedure in which a physician examines the rectum and large intestines for
abnormalities through the use of a specialized camera called an endoscope. Colonoscopies
decrease the mortality associated with colon cancer through two main ways: by detecting and
removing pre-cancerous lesions called polyps; and by detecting colon cancer at earlier
stage, when therapies can still be effective at treating or removing the cancer.

Most colon polyps are small and can be completely removed during a standard colonoscopy.
However, there is a growing awareness amongst endoscopists of polyps that are too large or
inaccessible to be safely removed during a routine colonoscopy. Previously, these lesions
required surgery for removal of the affected part of the colon. There is a growing body of
evidence that suggests these more complex colon polyps can be entirely removed
endoscopically through a procedure called endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR), thereby
avoiding costly and debilitating surgery. Given that it is a novel procedure, it is only
available at specialized care centers.

EMR is a procedure identical to a colonoscopy, with more steps involved in the lifting and
removal of complex polyps. As many as 80-90% of complex polyps can be successfully removed
with EMR. However, it has been noted that removal of the polyp in pieces, rather than as a
whole can result in a 20-30% recurrence rate at the resection site. Any manipulation of the
polyp prior to EMR may impair the ability to fully remove the lesion. Some factors that have
previously been suggested to increase the difficulty of EMR include previous dye injections,
removal attempts, and polyp sampling. However, the true impact of previous manipulations of
CCPs remains unclear.

This study aims to be one of the largest prospective, multi-centered studies investigating
factors that predict the failure of EMR in the removal of complex colon polyps.

Inclusion Criteria:

- All patients referred to each of the participating tertiary care centers for
endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR)

Exclusion Criteria:

- Does not meet inclusion criteria
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