Couples-Based Mindfulness for Young Breast Cancer Survivors

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 45
Start Date:October 1, 2017
End Date:July 16, 2018

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This study aims to improve relationship, psychological, and physical adjustment among young
breast cancer survivors (YBCS; diagnosed at age 45 or younger) and their committed/life
partners. A mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention has been designed to meet
the specific needs for young breast cancer survivors and their partners. The intervention
will be administered in your home by using recorded videos of a trained MBSR instructor.
Before, during, and after the 8-week intervention, participants will be asked to complete

Participants will be young breast cancer survivors (YBCS) and their partners. Young breast
cancer survivors are those diagnosed at age 45 or younger. This study includes stress
reducing interventions known to have a positive influence on physical and psychological
functioning that will be administered through recorded videos. The interventions include
watching an hour-long video stress-reduction class, each week, for 8 weeks and practicing
guided meditations. YBCS participants will be randomly assigned to either an 8-week
mindfulness-based stress reduction course designed for couples (C-MBSR) or an 8-week
mindfulness-based stress reduction course for individuals. At the end of the study all
participants (regardless of what assignment) will receive both sets of stress-reducing
videos. Partners of the YBCS assigned to the couples condition will also be asked to watch
the 8 C-MBSR videos. Some young breast cancer survivor participants and their partners will
be asked to complete provide salivary cortisol and all survivors and partners will be asked
to complete the 4 surveys.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Age 18 years to 45 years old when diagnosed with breast cancer

2. Diagnosed with stage 0, I, II, III breast cancer

3. within 1 to 6 years after diagnosis of breast cancer

4. Married or unmarried and living together.

5. Living anywhere in the United States

6. Both members of the couple must understand, read, and speak English

7. Both members of the couple must have regular access to email and willingness to use
the Internet.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Neither members of the couple may be experienced meditators (20 minutes daily, 5 days a
week or more, for over a year) or graduates of a former MBSR class.
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