Reduction of Post Mastectomy Pain With the Jacki® Recovery Jacket

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Dermatology / Plastic Surgery
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:March 7, 2017
End Date:December 31, 2019

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Reduction of Post Mastectomy Pain With the Jacki® Recovery Jacket: Randomized Trial

This research study is studying a garment called the Jacki® recovery jacket that can be worn
after surgery as a possible way to manage pain from surgical drains.

The study intervention involved in this study is:

-"Jacki" recovery jacket

In this research study, the investigators are studying the Jacki, a garment that can be worn
post-mastectomy with pockets that hold post-surgical drains. The Jacki was invented by a
cancer survivor who leads A Little Easier Recovery®, a non-profit organization in
Massachusetts, and may help participants manage the pain of post-surgical drains to increase
comfort and ease of daily living. The jacket has not previously been tested in a research
study. The investigators are hoping to learn whether the jacket is effective in reducing pain
and discomfort from the time participants leave the hospital until they return to have their
drains removed.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients who are ≥ 18 years old.

- Patients who speak and understand English.

- Patients who have had mastectomy with reconstructive surgery in one or both breasts.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Co-morbid delirium

- Dementia

- Mental illness, or neurocognitive deficit prohibiting informed consent and/or ability
to complete study procedures.
We found this trial at
Boston, Massachusetts 02130
Principal Investigator: Michele McCullough, RN
Phone: 617-983-7793
Boston, MA
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450 Brookline Ave
Boston, Massachusetts 2215
Principal Investigator: Donna Berry, PhD, RN
Phone: 617-632-1909
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Since it’s founding in 1947, Dana-Farber has been committed to providing adults...
Boston, MA
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