Study of the Safety and Efficacy of OmegaD Softgels in the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

Conditions:Ocular, Ocular
Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:18 - 90
Start Date:October 2016
End Date:February 2017

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A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled Study of the Safety and Efficacy of OmegaD Softgels in the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease

This is a phase 3 study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of OmegaD softgels for the
treatment of dry eye disease. A daily dose of 2 OmegaD softgels dosed orally BID will be
compared to 2 placebo softgels dosed orally BID for 84 days. Approximately 164 subjects will
be evaluated for their signs and symptoms of dry eye disease and for safety throughout the

Inflammation is a key component of dry eye disease. Increasing the systemic levels of
omega-3 fatty acids relative to omega-6 levels can mediate immune responses. Evaluating
whether omega-3 supplementation can improve dry eye disease signs, symptoms and associated
measures of inflammation may present a new therapeutic option for dry eye disease.

The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of twice daily
(BID) dosing of OmegaD softgels in subjects with dry eye disease.

Male and female subjects between 18 years and 90 years of age, with patient-reported dry eye
symptoms and a clinical diagnosis of dry eye disease supported by global clinical assessment
will be screened and enrolled. Each subject must have, in at least one eye, tear osmolarity
of ≥ 312 mOsm/L and meibomian gland dysfunction as defined by a grade of 1 or 2 on the
meibomian orifice size scale at both Screening and Baseline in at least one eye. In
addition, Tear break up time (TBUT) must be ≤ 7 seconds in both eyes at both Screening and
Baseline and the Schirmer's test score in both eye(s) must be ≥ 5 mm at Baseline.

Approximately 164 subjects will be randomized (1:1) to 1 of 2 treatment arms and treated for
84 days (12 weeks) with either OmegaD softgels; 2 softgels BID or placebo softgels; 2
softgels BID. The study will be double-masked with OmegaD and placebo being
identical-appearing softgels.

Subjects will participate in safety and efficacy assessments throughout the study. Efficacy
assessments will include, tear osmolarity, meibomian gland dysfunction grading, TBUT,
Schirmer's Test, and dry eye symptoms based on the OSDI questionnaire, Safety assessments
will include, slit lamp examination and adverse events.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Subjects age ≥ 18 years and ≤ 90 years on the date of informed consent.

2. All subjects must provide signed written consent prior to participation in any study
related procedures.

3. Patient-reported dry eye symptoms.

4. Clinical diagnosis of dry eye disease supported by global clinical assessment.

5. Presence of tear osmolarity in at least one eye ≥ 312 mOsm/L at both Screening and

6. Presence of meibomian gland dysfunction as defined by a grade of 1 or 2 on the
meibomian orifice size scale in at least one eye at both Screening and Baseline. The
qualifying osmolarity level and meibomian orifice size grade must be present in the
same eye at both Screening and Baseline if only one eye qualifies.

7. Female subjects of childbearing potential must have a negative urine pregnancy test
at Screening. Women of childbearing potential (i.e., women who are not either
postmenopausal for one year or surgically sterile) must use an acceptable form of
contraception throughout the study.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Allergy to fish oil or safflower oil (component of placebo softgels) or any component
of the softgel material.

2. Schirmer's test score < 5 mm at Screening in either eye.

3. Tear break-up time > 7 seconds at Screening or Baseline in either eye.

4. Clinically significant eyelid deformity or eyelid movement disorder that is caused by
conditions such as notch deformity, incomplete lid closure, entropion, ectropion,
hordeolum or chalazion.

5. Active seasonal and/or perennial allergic conjunctivitis or rhinitis.

6. Previous ocular disease leaving sequelae or requiring current topical eye therapy
other than for dry eye disease, including, but not limited to: active corneal or
conjunctival infection of the eye and ocular surface scarring.

7. History or presence of abnormal nasolacrimal drainage.

8. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) or photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
performed within one year prior to Screening and throughout the study period.

9. Ophthalmic drop use within 2 hours prior to any study visit. Any over-the-counter
(OTC) artificial tear should be continued at the same frequency and with no change in
drop brand.

10. Contact lens wear within 12 hours prior to any study visit; subjects determined to
have worn contact lenses within 12 hours must be rescheduled.

11. Punctal cauterization or punctal plug placement within 60 days prior to Screening and
throughout the study period.

12. Started or changed the dose of systemic medications known to affect tear production
within 30 days prior to Screening and throughout the study period. These include but
are not limited to the following medications:

- Immunomodulators

- Antihistamines

- Tricyclic antidepressants

- Diuretics

- Corticosteroids (intranasal, inhaled, topical dermatological, and perianal
steroids are permitted).

13. Use of any topical prescription ophthalmic medications (including cyclosporine
[Restasis®, steroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs], anti-glaucoma
medications), oral tetracyclines or topical macrolides, oral nutraceuticals [fish,
flax, black currant seed oils, etc.] within 21 days prior to Screening and throughout
the study period.

14. Chronic daily use (defined as > 7 consecutive days at the recommended dosing
frequency) of oral NSAIDs during the study period. ANY use of oral NSAIDS during the
study period must be discussed with the Medical Monitor.

15. Participation in any drug or device clinical investigation within 30 days prior to
entry into this study and/or during the period of study participation.
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