Feasibility of High Levels of Energy Expenditure From Physical Activity for Breast Cancer Survivors

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any - 71
Start Date:November 2016
End Date:March 2017

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Feasibility of High Levels of Energy Expenditure From Physical Activity During a Weight Loss Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors

The purpose of the study is to demonstrate that breast cancer survivors who need to lose
weight are able to follow a weight loss program which combines modest calorie restriction
with a graduated activity program..

Feasibility will be assessed by 1) the number of women that complete the 3--month program; 2)
the number of women that can achieve the targeted amount of physical activity per week by the
end of the program; and 3) the median amount of physical activity achieved group by all
subjects that complete the program.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Women < age 71 in good general health.

- Prior diagnosis of breast cancer.

- At least 3 months from completion of any cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiation or
surgery. May continue to take endocrine therapy and/or maintenance trastuzumab.

- Body Mass Index (BMI) 30-45 kg/m2.

- By self-assessment, currently performing 60 minutes or less of purposeful exercise per
week but able to walk at least 30 minutes on a level surface.

- Access to a smart phone capable of running MyFitnessPal and Garmin Connect apps and
willing to have diet and exercise data from these apps viewed by study personnel.

- Live in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area

- Willing and able to perform moderate intensity exercise at least 5 days per week for 3

- Willing to perform unsupervised home exercise for the entire 3 months.

- Willing to participate in a weekly behavioral modification group phone call for 3

- Willing to participate in a controlled dietary intervention with portion controlled
meals and partial meal and track food intake and exercise.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Use of metformin, insulin, steroids or weight loss or anti-psychotic drugs within the
prior 3 weeks

- Individuals with prior bariatric surgery procedures

- Need for chronic immunosuppressive drugs

- Participation within the past 6 months on a structured weight loss program such as
Weight Watchers®

- Physical impairments (bad hip, knees, feet, peripheral neuropathy) that would prohibit
performing moderate intensity exercise at least 5 days per week.

- Any other condition or intercurrent illness that in the opinion of the investigator
makes the subject a poor candidate for participation in the trial such as recent
cardiac event.

- Currently receiving investigational agents in a clinical trial.
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