Inotuzumab Ozogamicin in Treating Younger Patients With B-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma or Relapsed or Refractory CD22 Positive B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Conditions:Blood Cancer, Lymphoma, Lymphoma
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:1 - 21
Start Date:June 5, 2017
End Date:September 30, 2019

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A Phase 2 Study of Inotuzumab Ozogamicin (NSC# 772518) in Children and Young Adults With Relapsed or Refractory CD22+ B-Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (B-ALL)

This phase II trial studies how well inotuzumab ozogamicin works in treating younger patients
with B-lymphoblastic lymphoma or CD22 positive B acute lymphoblastic leukemia that has come
back or does not respond to treatment. Immunotoxins, such as inotuzumab ozogamicin, are
antibodies linked to a toxic substance and may help find cancer cells that express CD22 and
kill them without harming normal cells.


I. To determine the morphologic response rate (complete response [CR] + complete response
with incomplete hematologic recovery [CRi]) following one cycle of treatment with inotuzumab
ozogamicin (InO) in children with relapsed or refractory CD22+ B acute lymphoblastic leukemia


I. To determine the CR/CRi rate following 2 cycles of InO therapy. II. To determine the
safety of single agent InO administered at the adult recommended phase 2 dose (RP2D) to
pediatric patients with relapsed or refractory CD22+ B-ALL.

III. To determine the level of minimal residual disease (MRD) by flow cytometry in responding

IV. To determine the incidence, severity, and outcomes of sinusoidal obstruction syndrome
(SOS) of the liver in patients during InO therapy and following subsequent treatment,
including myeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

V. To estimate the 3-year event-free survival (EFS), 3-year overall survival (OS), and among
responders duration of CR/CRi for pediatric patients with relapsed or refractory B-ALL
treated with InO.

VI. To describe InO pharmacokinetics and immunogenicity in pediatric patients in the presence
of overt leukemia and in remission.


I. To describe the levels of leukemic blast CD22 surface expression and site density, and to
explore the correlation with cytogenetics and clinical outcomes after treatment with InO.

II. To explore potential mechanisms of resistance to InO therapy including CD22 splice
variants and intracellular signaling pathways.

III. To explore the impact of InO on humoral immune function and peripheral B cell

IV. To describe the level of MRD by next-generation high-throughput sequencing (HTS)
techniques which may detect low level leukemic blast populations that have altered CD22

V. To prospectively explore candidate SOS biomarkers including the endothelial marker of
inflammation Angiopoietin 2 (Ang2) and the hepatic specific complement marker L-ficolin.

VI. To explore the use of prophylactic ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) to prevent hepatic damage
and SOS during InO therapy and subsequent HSCT.


Patients receive inotuzumab ozogamicin intravenously (IV) over 60 minutes on days 1, 8, and
15. Treatment repeats every 28 days for up to 6 courses in the absence of disease progression
or unacceptable toxicity.

After completion of study treatment, patients are followed up at 30 days, every 3 months for
1 year, and then yearly for 4 years.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients must have B-ALL, or previously diagnosed B lymphoblastic lymphoma (B-LL),
with >= 5% (M2 or M3) bone marrow blasts with or without extramedullary disease

- NOTE: Relapsed patients previously diagnosed with B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (B-LL)
are eligible if they have an M2 or M3 marrow at the time of enrollment on this

- Patients with ALL or B-LL who have M2 morphology must have local confirmatory testing
showing >= 5% blasts by flow cytometry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
testing or other molecular method

- Leukemic blasts must demonstrate surface expression of CD22 at the time of relapse by
local/institutional flow cytometry of a bone marrow aspirate sample; (assessment of
CD22 using a bright fluorophore such as phycoerythrin [PE] is strongly recommended)

- In the case of an inadequate aspirate sample (dry tap) or if bone marrow aspirate
is unable to be performed due to patient clinical status, flow cytometry of
peripheral blood specimen may be substituted if the patient has at least 1000/uL
circulating blasts; alternatively, CD22 expression may be documented by
immunohistochemistry of a bone marrow biopsy specimen

- Patients with and without Down syndrome are eligible and must have one of the

- Second or greater relapse;

- Primary refractory disease with at least 2 prior induction attempts;

- First relapse refractory to at least one prior re-induction attempt

- Any relapse after HSCT

Patients with Down syndrome are also eligible with:

- First relapse with no prior re-induction attempt

- Patients with Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)+ ALL must have had two prior therapy
attempts including two different tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)

- Patients must have fully recovered from the acute non-hematologic toxic effects
of all prior anti-cancer therapy, defined as resolution of all such toxicities to
=< grade 2 or lower per the inclusion/exclusion criteria prior to entering this

- Myelosuppressive chemotherapy:

- No waiting period will be required for patients receiving standard
"maintenance-like" chemotherapy including oral mercaptopurine, weekly low-dose
oral methotrexate, and intermittent vincristine; otherwise, at least 14 days must
have elapsed since the completion of cytotoxic therapy, with the exceptions of
hydroxyurea or corticosteroids used for cytoreduction

- Intrathecal cytotoxic therapy: No waiting period is required for patients having
received intrathecal cytarabine, methotrexate, and/or hydrocortisone; intrathecal
chemotherapy given at the time of diagnostic lumbar puncture (LP) to evaluate for
relapse prior to study enrollment is allowed

- At least 7 days must have elapsed since the completion of therapy with a growth
factor; at least 14 days must have elapsed after receiving pegfilgrastim

- At least 7 days must have elapsed since completion of therapy with a biologic agent
(including tyrosine kinase inhibitors); for agents that have known adverse events
occurring beyond 7 days after administration, this period prior to enrollment must be
extended beyond the time during which adverse events are known to occur

- At least 3 half-lives must have elapsed since prior therapy that included a monoclonal
antibody with the exception of blinatumomab; patients must have been off blinatumomab
infusion for at least 3 days and all drug related toxicity must have resolved to grade
2 or lower as outlined in the inclusion/exclusion criteria

- >= 2 weeks must have elapsed since local palliative radiation therapy (XRT) (small
port); >= 3 months must have elapsed if prior cranial or craniospinal XRT was
received, if >= 50% of the pelvis was irradiated, or if total-body irradiation (TBI)
was received; >= 6 weeks must have elapsed if other substantial bone marrow
irradiation was given

- At least 90 days must have elapsed since stem cell transplant and at least 30 days
from donor lymphocyte infusion; patient must have had no more than one previous HSCT
and currently have no evidence of active graft versus (vs.) host disease (GVHD)

- At least 30 days must have elapsed from the last chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T
cell infusion

- Patients must have a performance status corresponding to Eastern Cooperative
Oncology Group (ECOG) scores of 0, 1, or 2; use Karnofsky for patients > 16 years
of age and Lansky for patients =< 16 years of age; patients who are unable to
walk because of paralysis, but who are up in a wheelchair, will be considered
ambulatory for the purpose of assessing the performance score

- Creatinine clearance or radioisotope glomerular filtration rate (GFR) >= 70
mL/min/1.73 m^2 or

- A serum creatinine based on age/gender as follows:

- 1 to < 2 years: maximum serum creatinine 0.6 mg/dL (both male and female)

- 2 to < 6 years: maximum serum creatinine 0.8 mg/dL (both male and female)

- 6 to < 10 years: maximum serum creatinine 1 mg/dL (both male and female)

- 10 to < 13 years: maximum serum creatinine 1.2 mg/dL (both male and female)

- 13 to < 16 years: maximum serum creatinine 1.5 mg/dL (male), 1.4 mg/dL (female)

- >= 16 years: maximum serum creatinine 1.7 mg/dL (male), 1.4 mg/dL (female)

- Direct bilirubin =< 1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN) for age, and

- Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) (alanine aminotransferase [ALT]) =< 5
x ULN for age; for the purpose of this study, the ULN for ALT will be 45 U/L

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patients with any prior history of SOS irrespective of severity

- Patients with isolated central nervous system (CNS), testicular, or other
extramedullary site of relapse

- Patients who have been previously treated with inotuzumab ozogamicin

- History of allergic reaction attributed to compounds of similar or biologic
composition to inotuzumab ozogamicin or other agents in the study

- Patients with active optic nerve and/or retinal involvement are not eligible; patients
who are presenting with visual disturbances should have an ophthalmologic exam and, if
indicated, a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess optic nerve or retinal

- Patients who are currently receiving another investigational drug

- Patients who are currently receiving or plan to receive other anti-cancer agents
(except hydroxyurea, which may be continued until 24 hours prior to start of protocol
therapy and intrathecal chemotherapy)

- Anti-GVHD or agents to prevent organ rejection post-transplant; patients who are
receiving cyclosporine, tacrolimus, or other agents to prevent either
graft-versus-host disease post bone marrow transplant or organ rejection
post-transplant are not eligible for this trial; at least 3 half-lives must have
elapsed after the last dose of GVHD medications (meds)

- Patients who are currently receiving or plan to receive corticosteroids except as
described below

- Systemic corticosteroids may be administered for cytoreduction up to 24 hours
prior to the start of protocol therapy, as a premedication for InO and as
treatment for allergic reactions or for physiologic replacement/stress dosing of
hydrocortisone for documented adrenal insufficiency; corticosteroids are not
allowed for other indications

- Patients with known human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B or C infections;
testing to prove negative status is not required for enrollment unless it is deemed
necessary for usual medical care of the patient

- Patients who have an active uncontrolled infection defined as:

- Positive bacterial blood culture within 48 hours of study enrollment;

- Fever above 38.2 degree Celsius (C) within 48 hours of study enrollment with
clinical signs of infection; fever that is determined to be due to tumor burden
is allowed if patients have documented negative blood cultures for at least 48
hours prior to enrollment and no concurrent signs or symptoms of active infection
or hemodynamic instability

- A positive fungal culture within 30 days of study enrollment or active therapy
for presumed invasive fungal infection

- Patients may be receiving IV or oral antibiotics to complete a course of therapy
for a prior documented infection as long as cultures have been negative for at
least 48 hours and signs or symptoms of active infection have resolved; for
patients with clostridium (c.) difficile diarrhea, at least 72 hours of
antibacterial therapy must have elapsed and stools must have normalized to

- Active viral or protozoal infection requiring IV treatment

- Patients known to have one of the following concomitant genetic syndromes: Bloom
syndrome, ataxia-telangiectasia, Fanconi anemia, Kostmann syndrome, Shwachman
syndrome, or any other known bone marrow failure syndrome

- Women of childbearing potential should be advised to avoid becoming pregnant while
receiving InO; women should not breast-feed during treatment with InO and for at least
2 months after the final dose

- Female patients of childbearing potential are not eligible unless a negative
pregnancy test result has been obtained within 7 days of starting protocol

- Female patients who are sexually active and of reproductive potential are not
eligible unless they agree to use an effective contraceptive method for the
duration of their study participation and for 8 months after the last dose of InO

- Men with female partners of childbearing potential should use effective
contraception during treatment with InO and for at least 5 months after the last
dose of InO

- Lactating females are not eligible unless they agree not to breastfeed their
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Albany, NY
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Allentown, PA
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Anchorage, AK
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Atlanta, GA
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Aurora, CO
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Baltimore, MD
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Baltimore, MD
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Bangor, ME
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Boise, ID
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Boston, Massachusetts 02111
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Phone: 617-636-5535
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Boston, MA
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Boston, Massachusetts 2215
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Boston, MA
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Chicago, Illinois 60614
Principal Investigator: Nobuko Hijiya
from 02139
Chicago, IL
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5841 S Maryland Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60637
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Phone: 773-702-8222
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Chicago, IL
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Cleveland, Ohio 44106
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Cleveland, OH
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Columbia, MO
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5 Richland Medical Park Dr
Columbia, South Carolina 29203
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Columbia, SC
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Dallas, Texas 75390
Principal Investigator: Tamra L. Slone
Phone: 214-648-7097
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Dallas, TX
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100 North Academy Avenue
Danville, Pennsylvania 17822
Principal Investigator: Jagadeesh Ramdas
Phone: 570-271-5251
Geisinger Medical Center Since 1915, Geisinger Medical Center has been known as the region’s resource...
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Danville, PA
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Dayton, Ohio 45404
Principal Investigator: Ayman A. El-Sheikh
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Dayton, OH
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Denver, Colorado 80218
Principal Investigator: Jennifer J. Clark
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Denver, CO
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9333 Imperial Highway
Downey, California 90242
Principal Investigator: Robert M. Cooper
Phone: 510-891-3400
from 02139
Downey, CA
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El Paso, Texas 79905
Principal Investigator: Lisa L. Hartman
from 02139
El Paso, TX
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801 Broadway North
Fargo, North Dakota 58122
Principal Investigator: Samuel O. Anim
Phone: 800-437-4010
from 02139
Fargo, ND
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Fort Myers, Florida 33908
Principal Investigator: Emad K. Salman
from 02139
Fort Myers, FL
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801 7th Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
(682) 885-4000
Principal Investigator: Kenneth M. Heym
Cook Children's Medical Center Cook Children's Health Care System is a not-for-profit, nationally recognized pediatric...
from 02139
Fort Worth, TX
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1600 Southwest Archer Road
Gainesville, Florida 32610
Principal Investigator: William B. Slayton
Phone: 352-273-8010
from 02139
Gainesville, FL
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1001 E 5th St
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
(252) 328-6131
Principal Investigator: Andrea R. Whitfield
Phone: 252-744-1015
East Carolina University Whether it's meeting the demand for more teachers and healthcare professionals or...
from 02139
Greenville, NC
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30 Prospect Ave
Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
(201) 996-2000
Principal Investigator: Burton E. Appel
Phone: 201-996-2879
Hackensack University Medical Center Hackensack University Medical Center, part of the Hackensack University Health Network,...
from 02139
Hackensack, NJ
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Hershey, Pennsylvania 17033
Principal Investigator: Lisa M. McGregor
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Hershey, PA
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Hollywood, Florida 33021
Principal Investigator: Iftikhar Hanif
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Hollywood, FL
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1319 Punahou St
Honolulu, Hawaii 96826
(808) 983-6000
Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children Hawai‘i Pacific Health is an integrated health care...
from 02139
Honolulu, HI
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Houston, Texas 77030
Principal Investigator: Joanna S. Yi
Phone: 713-798-1354
from 02139
Houston, TX
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705 Riley Hospital Dr
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
(317) 944-5000
Principal Investigator: Kamnesh R. Pradhan
Phone: 800-248-1199
Riley Hospital for Children Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health is a place of...
from 02139
Indianapolis, IN
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Indianapolis, Indiana 46260
Principal Investigator: Bassem I. Razzouk
Phone: 317-338-2194
from 02139
Indianapolis, IN
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Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Principal Investigator: Mariko Sato
Phone: 800-237-1225
from 02139
Iowa City, IA
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Jacksonville, Florida 32207
Principal Investigator: Emi H. Caywood
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Jacksonville, FL
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Kansas City, Missouri 64108
Principal Investigator: Jaszianne A. Tolbert
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Kansas City, MO
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Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
Principal Investigator: Alan K. Ikeda
Phone: 702-384-0013
from 02139
Las Vegas, NV
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Las Vegas, Nevada 89135
Principal Investigator: Alan K. Ikeda
Phone: 702-384-0013
from 02139
Las Vegas, NV
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Las Vegas, Nevada 89144
Principal Investigator: Alan K. Ikeda
Phone: 702-384-0013
from 02139
Las Vegas, NV
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1 Medical Center Dr
Lebanon, New Hampshire 03756
 (603) 650-5000
Principal Investigator: Julie Kim
Phone: 800-639-6918
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Dartmouth-Hitchcock is a national leader in patient-centered health care and building...
from 02139
Lebanon, NH
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Lexington, Kentucky
Principal Investigator: Vlad C. Radulescu
Phone: 859-257-3379
from 02139
Lexington, KY
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1 Children's Way
Little Rock, Arkansas 72202
(501) 364-1100
Principal Investigator: David L. Becton
Arkansas Children's Hospital Arkansas Children's Hospital (ACH) is the only pediatric medical center in Arkansas...
from 02139
Little Rock, AR
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11234 Anderson St
Loma Linda, California 92354
(909) 558-4000
Principal Investigator: Albert Kheradpour
Phone: 909-558-3375
Loma Linda University Medical Center An outgrowth of the original Sanitarium on the hill in...
from 02139
Loma Linda, CA
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Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Principal Investigator: Ashok B. Raj
from 02139
Louisville, KY
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Lubbock, Texas 79430
Principal Investigator: Mohamad M. Al-Rahawan
from 02139
Lubbock, TX
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Madera, California 93638
Principal Investigator: Vonda L. Crouse
from 02139
Madera, CA
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Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449
from 02139
Marshfield, WI
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2160 South 1st Avenue
Maywood, Illinois 60153
(888) 584-7888
Principal Investigator: Eugene Suh
Phone: 708-226-4357
Loyola University Medical Center Loyola University Health System is committed to excellence in patient care...
from 02139
Maywood, IL
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Mesa, Arizona 85202
Principal Investigator: Hardeo K. Panchoosingh
from 02139
Mesa, AZ
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Miami, Florida 33155
Principal Investigator: Enrique A. Escalon
from 02139
Miami, FL
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9000 W Wisconsin Ave #270
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226
(414) 266-2000
Principal Investigator: Michael J. Burke
Phone: 414-955-4727
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Nothing matters more than our children. At Children's Hospital of Wisconsin,...
from 02139
Milwaukee, WI
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259 1st Street
Mineola, New York 11501
Principal Investigator: Mark E. Weinblatt
Phone: 866-946-8476
from 02139
Mineola, NY
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Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
Principal Investigator: Peter M. Gordon
from 02139
Minneapolis, MN
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2525 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404
(612) 813-6000
Principal Investigator: Michael K. Richards
Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota - Minneapolis Children's Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota is...
from 02139
Minneapolis, MN
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Morgantown, West Virginia 26505
Principal Investigator: Stephan R. Paul
Phone: 304-293-7374
from 02139
Morgantown, WV
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Morristown, New Jersey 07962
Principal Investigator: Steven L. Halpern
Phone: 973-971-5900
from 02139
Morristown, NJ
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Nashville, Tennessee 37203
Principal Investigator: Haydar A. Frangoul
from 02139
Nashville, TN
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Nashville, Tennessee 37232
Principal Investigator: Debra L. Friedman
Phone: 800-811-8480
from 02139
Nashville, TN
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New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Principal Investigator: Archana Sharma
Phone: 732-235-8675
from 02139
New Brunswick, NJ
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New Hyde Park, New York 11040
Principal Investigator: Julie I. Krystal
from 02139
New Hyde Park, NY
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New Orleans, Louisiana 70121
Principal Investigator: Craig Lotterman
Phone: 504-703-8712
from 02139
New Orleans, LA
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New York, New York 10016
Principal Investigator: Sharon L. Gardner
Phone: 212-263-4434
from 02139
New York, NY
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1275 York Ave
New York, New York 10021
(212) 639-2000
Principal Investigator: Kavitha Ramaswamy
Phone: 212-639-7592
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center — the world's oldest and...
from 02139
New York, NY
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201 Lyons Ave
Newark, New Jersey 07112
(973) 926-7000
Principal Investigator: Teena Bhatla
Phone: 973-926-7230
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, a regional care, teaching hospital...
from 02139
Newark, NJ
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Oakland, California 94611
Principal Investigator: Laura A. Campbell
Phone: 877-642-4691
from 02139
Oakland, CA
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940 NE 13th St
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190
(405) 271-6458
Principal Investigator: Rene Y. McNall-Knapp
Phone: 405-271-8777
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center The OU Health Sciences Center is composed of seven...
from 02139
Oklahoma City, OK
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8200 Dodge St
Omaha, Nebraska 68114
(402) 955-5400
Principal Investigator: Minnie Abromowitch
Children's Hospital and Medical Center of Omaha Children's Hospital & Medical Center has a rich...
from 02139
Omaha, NE
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Emile St
Omaha, Nebraska 68198
(402) 559-4000
Principal Investigator: Don W. Coulter
Phone: 402-559-6941
Univ of Nebraska Med Ctr A vital enterprise in the nation’s heartland, the University of...
from 02139
Omaha, NE
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