Educating Anesthesia Residents to Improve Perioperative Care for the Elderly

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any
Start Date:December 2016
End Date:June 30, 2017

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1. The investigators will design, test and implement a education curriculum for anesthesia
residents teaching geriatric anesthesiology.

2. The investigators will randomize 42 anesthesia residents so that half receive an
innovative, e-learning curriculum while the other half receives the current standard
curriculum. We will assess their medical knowledge, and the amount of anesthesia
delivered to patients after the curriculum is implemented.

3. The investigators will analyze any changes in clinical practice of residents in the care
of elderly patients. Enrollment will be voluntary for all residents. Also, the
investigators will not interfere with clinical management of any patients by residents
which are done under direct supervision of faculty.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Duke Anesthesiology Resident

- Willing to comply with study activities and guidelines

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unable to comply with study activities and guidelines
We found this trial at
2301 Erwin Rd
Durham, North Carolina 27710
Principal Investigator: Miles Berger, MD, PhD
Duke Univ Med Ctr As a world-class academic and health care system, Duke Medicine strives...
Durham, NC
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