Reading Performance With a Video Magnifier

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:40 - 90
Start Date:January 2010
End Date:February 2011

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The Effect of Video Camera Magnifier Use on Reading

The most common goal for patients with vision loss who present for vision rehabilitation is
to be able to read. The video magnifier (a device which combines a video camera and a screen
to view the print being magnified) is the device which most often allows low-vision
individuals to read successfully for extended periods of time. Previous studies on the
outcomes of vision rehabilitation have not identified which components of the vision
rehabilitation are effective. The hypothesis of this project is that providing a video
camera magnifier, with basic training in operating the device, will allow patients to
enhance both objective reading ability and subjective report of reading competence.

Patients will be given a video magnifier at initial consultation or at the end of vision

Inclusion Criteria:

- Central field loss and decreased visual acuity in the better seeing eye (<20/40 &

- New patient at MEEI Low Vision Rehabilitation Clinic

Exclusion Criteria:

- Dementia (Mini-Mental State Examination)

- Clinical depression (Geriatric Depression Scale)

- Patients who previously received vision rehabilitation

- Patients who have previously owned a desktop video magnifier
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