A Multi-Site Clinical Evaluation of the ARIES Bordetella Assay in Symptomatic Patients

Conditions:Infectious Disease, Infectious Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Immunology / Infectious Diseases
Age Range:Any
Start Date:July 2016
End Date:November 14, 2016

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A three-arm, multi-site clinical evaluation of the ARIES Bordetella Assay for the detection
and identification of Bordetella pertussis (B. pertussis) and Bordetella parapertussis (B.
parapertussis) nucleic acids in prospectively collected, de-identified, left-over clinical
specimens; banked, pre-selected clinical specimens; and contrived specimens.

The ARIES Bordetella Assay is a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based qualitative
in vitro diagnostic test for the direct detection and identification of Bordetella pertussis
(B. pertussis) and Bordetella parapertussis (B. parapertussis) nucleic acid in nasopharyngeal
swabs (NPS) specimens obtained from individuals suspected of having a respiratory tract
infection attributable to B. pertussis or B. parapertussis.

Clinical nasopharyngeal swab specimens collected using nasopharyngeal swab in transport media
will be processed according to the routine procedure followed at the clinical collection site
and as ordered by the referring physician. The leftover specimen will be blinded and assigned
a unique clinical study specimen number. In order to preserve the confidentiality of
subjects, the following procedures will be implemented at each site:

- Clinical specimens will be individually numbered by an honest broker who is not involved
in investigational testing so that the identity of the subject may not be readily
ascertained by the investigator, investigational testing staff, or study Sponsor.

- Available clinical information accompanying the specimens will be provided in such a way
that it does not make the specimen source identifiable to the investigator or any other
individuals associated with investigational testing, including the Sponsor.

- No personal identifier (protected health information) will be included on the case
report form (CRF) so that the confidentiality of each subject is protected.

Multiple aliquots of each left-over specimen will be generated. One aliquot of each specimen
will be shipped to a laboratory where the reference method (two validated real-time PCR
methods for each, B. pertussis and B. parapertussis) will be performed. A second aliquot of
each specimen will be used by the clinical sites for ARIES Bordetella Assay testing.
Additional aliquots of each specimen will be stored frozen (-65 to -95°C) at the clinical
sites and sent separately on dry ice to the Sponsor upon Sponsor's request.

The prospective data set will be supplemented with banked, pre-selected clinical specimens
and contrived specimens that tested positive by a comparator method for B. pertussis and B.
parapertussis. If contrived specimens are required, these specimens will be prepared then
blinded, aliquoted, randomized and frozen (-65 to -95°C) until distributed to the clinical
testing sites by the Sponsor.

The clinical data will be automatically generated from the ARIES System software. The system
will report the specimen as B. pertussis and B. parapertussis positive (Co-infection), B.
pertussis positive, B. parapertussis positive, B. pertussis and B. parapertussis negative or
Invalid. Invalid results will be retested and both the original data and the retest data will
be reported. The clinical data will be compared to the reference data and recorded in the
clinical study reports.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. The specimen is a nasopharyngeal swab collected using a cleared nasopharyngeal swab
and transport medium.

2. The specimen is from an adult or pediatric, male or female subject who is either
hospitalized, admitted to a hospital emergency department, visiting an outpatient
clinica or resident of a long term care facility.

3. The specimen is from a patient for whom a requisition has been made for B. pertussis
and/or B. parapertussis testing.

4. The specimen is from a patient exhibiting clinical signs and symptoms of respiratory
tract infection consistent with B. pertussis or B. parapertussis.

5. The specimen was received in good condition (no leakage or drying of the specimen).

6. The specimen contains a minimum volume of 1000 μL.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. The specimen is not a nasopharyngeal swab collected using a cleared nasopharyngeal
swab and transport medium.

2. The specimen was not properly collected, transported, processed or stored according to
the instructions provided by the Sponsor in Section 10 below.

3. The specimen volume is <1000 μL.

4. Any specimen that was not tested per the complete testing algorithm provided by the
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