Hereditary Gastric Cancer Syndromes: An Integrated Genomic and Clinicopathologic Study of the Predisposition to Gastric Cancer
Status: | Recruiting |
Conditions: | Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Other Indications |
Therapuetic Areas: | Oncology, Other |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 2 - 100 |
Updated: | 3/30/2019 |
Start Date: | January 27, 2017 |
End Date: | December 31, 2026 |
Contact: | NIH Foregut Team |
Email: | |
Phone: | (240) 858-3610 |
Gastric cancers are cancers of the stomach. Hereditary ones are passed from parent to child.
Researchers want to gather data about hereditary gastric cancers. They want to learn about
changes these cause in the body and about the genes involved.
-To gather data about hereditary gastric cancer.
- People at least 2 years old with personal or family history with a hereditary gastric
- People at least 2 years old with gene changes that lead to such cancer or a lesion that
may be hereditary.
- Participants will be screened in a separate protocol.
- Participants will have:
- Physical exam
- Medical history
- Blood tests
- Scans
- Photos of skin lesions and other findings
- Gynecology consultation for women
- Cheek swab (some participants)
- For some participants, their relatives will be asked to join the study.
- Some participants will be asked to allow the study to get stored tissue samples for
relatives who have died.
- Some samples will be sent to outside labs. All personal data will be protected. Samples
will be destroyed when the study ends.
- Participants will get the results of genetic testing.
- Participants who cannot come to the NIH clinic may just give a cheek swab and have
genetic testing done.
- Some participants will be contacted for more testing.
Gastric cancers are cancers of the stomach. Hereditary ones are passed from parent to child.
Researchers want to gather data about hereditary gastric cancers. They want to learn about
changes these cause in the body and about the genes involved.
-To gather data about hereditary gastric cancer.
- People at least 2 years old with personal or family history with a hereditary gastric
- People at least 2 years old with gene changes that lead to such cancer or a lesion that
may be hereditary.
- Participants will be screened in a separate protocol.
- Participants will have:
- Physical exam
- Medical history
- Blood tests
- Scans
- Photos of skin lesions and other findings
- Gynecology consultation for women
- Cheek swab (some participants)
- For some participants, their relatives will be asked to join the study.
- Some participants will be asked to allow the study to get stored tissue samples for
relatives who have died.
- Some samples will be sent to outside labs. All personal data will be protected. Samples
will be destroyed when the study ends.
- Participants will get the results of genetic testing.
- Participants who cannot come to the NIH clinic may just give a cheek swab and have
genetic testing done.
- Some participants will be contacted for more testing.
- An estimated 1-3% of gastric cancer cases occur within a familial background as part of
an inherited cancer syndrome
- Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) is the most frequent form of familial gastric
cancer and has been linked to a germline mutation in the CDH1 gene
- Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Proximal Polyposis of the Stomach (GAPPS) is a more recently
described autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by fundic gland polyposis with
antral sparing
- Other syndromes that predispose to gastric cancer include Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Lynch
syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome and others
- Characterize the natural and clinical histories of hereditary gastric cancer syndromes
- Individuals, and family members, who fulfill clinical criteria for a hereditary gastric
cancer syndrome irrespective of previous genetic testing or treatment
- These rare families will be recruited to genetically confirm diagnosis and study the
natural history of hereditary gastric cancers
- Genetic testing will be offered to gain appreciation of the effect of mutations on the
relative activity of various germline and somatic mutations.
- We will determine if there is a relationship between mutation and disease phenotype.
- An estimated 1-3% of gastric cancer cases occur within a familial background as part of
an inherited cancer syndrome
- Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) is the most frequent form of familial gastric
cancer and has been linked to a germline mutation in the CDH1 gene
- Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Proximal Polyposis of the Stomach (GAPPS) is a more recently
described autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by fundic gland polyposis with
antral sparing
- Other syndromes that predispose to gastric cancer include Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Lynch
syndrome, Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, familial adenomatous polyposis syndrome and others
- Characterize the natural and clinical histories of hereditary gastric cancer syndromes
- Individuals, and family members, who fulfill clinical criteria for a hereditary gastric
cancer syndrome irrespective of previous genetic testing or treatment
- These rare families will be recruited to genetically confirm diagnosis and study the
natural history of hereditary gastric cancers
- Genetic testing will be offered to gain appreciation of the effect of mutations on the
relative activity of various germline and somatic mutations.
- We will determine if there is a relationship between mutation and disease phenotype.
1. An individual, or their family members, with any of the following:
- Fulfills clinical criteria for Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HGDC) syndrome
or Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Proximal Polyposis of the Stomach (GAPPS) syndrome
- Clinically suspicious personal or family medical history of gastric cancer or
gastric cancer syndrome that warrants genetics evaluation
- Current diagnosis of gastric cancer and a germline mutation associated with a
known cancer syndrome or an associated family history of gastric cancer
- Harbors a pathogenic germline mutation known to predispose to gastric cancer
- First-degree relatives, regardless of family history or personal history of
cancer, with a documented deleterious germline mutation (including but not
limited to LFS, FAP) known to predispose to gastric tumors
- Diagnosis or suspicion of a premalignant or malignant stomach lesion of suspected
hereditary etiology
2. Age > 18 years; patients under 18 years of age and greater than or equal to the age of
2 may participate if the tissue acquisition is performed during a clinically indicated
surgical procedure, and the sampling of tissue, blood and urine collection does not
add risk to the clinically indicated procedures.
3. Ability of subject or legally authorized representative (LAR) to understand and the
willingness to sign a written informed consent document.
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