Vapocoolant Spray Used Prior to Intravenous (IV) Insertions

Conditions:Chronic Pain
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:February 27, 2017
End Date:April 28, 2017

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Will Patients Perceive a Vapocoolant Spray to be Effective in Reducing Pain and Increasing Satisfaction With Insertion at an Intravenous Site?

The primary purpose of this study is to determine if by offering a vapocoolant (cold spray)
to hospital outpatients prior to an intravenous catheter (IV) insertion will increase patient
satisfaction of IV insertion as well as determine if pain of insertion is decreased.

This is a single blind interventional study with a post design using a convenience sample of
patients undergoing a Nuclear Medicine Stress Test. The patient selection and intervention
will be randomized in order to ensure a high validity study. The interventional treatment
used will be a ethyl chloride mist spray manufactured by the Gebauer Company. The placebo
spray that will be used is manufactured by BioLogic Aqua Research Technologies International
Inc. The spray is called Nature's Tears Mist and is a sterile water. The patient's for this
study are required to have intravenous cannulation (IV) access. This is a painful and
invasive procedure in which a vapocoolant may confer benefit for the relief of pain.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Any outpatient ordered to undergo a Nuclear Medicine Stress Test and is required to
have IV access for injection of Radiopharmaceuticals

Exclusion Criteria:

- If it is the first time the patient has had an intravenous catheter inserted

- Any patient who is or may be pregnant

- Any patient who is breast-feeding

- Any patient who has taken a narcotic, sedative and/or anti-anxiety medication within 8
hours of intervention time.

- Any patient who has a known diagnosis of Raynaud's Syndrome or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

- Any patient who has an allergy or hypersensitivity to Ethyl Chloride.

- Any patient under the age of 18 and/or any patient over the age of 85

- Any patient who is illiterate

- Any patient who is non-English speaking

- Any patient with prior experience with a vapocoolant spray.
We found this trial at
2600 Sixth St. SW
Canton, Ohio 44710
Principal Investigator: Mitryan Kar, M.D.
Phone: 330-363-3821
Aultman Health Foundation The Aultman Foundation will raise and administer funds in order to support...
Canton, OH
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