Attitudes Toward Physical Activity and Nutrition Intervention During Cancer Treatment

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Obesity Weight Loss
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology, Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:December 2016
End Date:December 2019

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Twenty-five women will be followed through their breast cancer treatment. The women will be
asked to provide their opinions and desires for lifestyle intervention at different times
throughout treatment. In addition, basic clinical data will be collected . The primary goal
of this pilot study is to investigate the physical and behavioral changes that occur in
patients receiving treatment for breast cancer.

In this cross sectional, longitudinal, observational study, 25 women will be followed through
their treatment for stage I-III breast cancer. The women will be asked to provide their
opinions and desires for lifestyle intervention at four timepoints throughout treatment. In
addition to qualitative data, basic clinical data will be collected (anthropometrics, vital
signs, dietary intake, and physical activity). The primary goal of this pilot study is to
investigate the anthropometric and behavioral changes that occur in patients undergoing
adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer.

Aim 1: To better understand patients' attitudes toward and perceived barriers to nutrition
and physical activity interventions during neoplastic treatment.

Hypothesis: Patients' reported attitudes, motivation, and perceived barriers will change
throughout treatment.

Aim 2: To measure the physical and metabolic changes that occur throughout neoplastic
treatment for breast cancer.

Hypothesis: Over 50% of the participants will gain body weight during treatment and metabolic
parameters will trend with body weight change.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Female

- ≥18 years of age

- Diagnosed with stage I, II or III breast cancer with plans to undergo endocrine and/or
chemotherapy treatment (radiation in combination with one or more of these therapies
is acceptable)

- Willing to complete up to 4 clinic visits

Exclusion Criteria:

- Have received neoadjuvant therapy for current diagnosis

- Currently receiving adjuvant chemotherapy or other adjuvant therapy that was initiated
prior to study enrollment

- History of cancer and neoplastic treatment
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