CyberKnife for Unresectable Renal Tumors

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - 95
Start Date:March 2006
End Date:August 20, 2014

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CyberKnife Stereotactic Radiation for Unresectable Renal Tumors/PhaseI Study

This is a dose escalation study using the CyberKnife radiotherapy device for small surgical
or medically untreatable renal tumors. Patients with renal tumors 5cms or less in diameter
will be accrued onto this study. The ability of CyberKnife to ablate these renal tumors and
maintain renal function with dose escalation will be assessed.

The CyberKnife Robotic Radiosurgery System is a unique radiosurgical system capable of
treating tumors anywhere in the body noninvasively and with sub-millimeter accuracy. The
CyberKnife System delivers radiation using a precise targeting methodology allowing a focal
treatment margin around the target, thus limiting the volume of adjacent tissue receiving
high doses radiation. This in turn allows the delivery of high doses of radiation to the
prostate over a short series of treatments.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Tumor size 5 cm or less

- Radiographic evidence of malignancy or Histologically verified primary renal

- If the kidney biopsy is inconclusive but the radiologist determines that the tumor
based on the CT/MRI is highly suspicious for cancer, you may participate

- Patients with highly suspicious lesions on CT or MRI

- One -three gold fiducials placed in or around tumor

- Contradiction or patient refusal to partial or complete nephrectomy

- Age 18 or greater

- KPS score 70 or greater

Exclusion Criteria:

- Irreversible coagulopathies that preclude fiducial placement
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